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Some stuff that goes on in Null's dimension:
-half the children have to be euthanized or given away to other dimensions unless they risk overpopulation
-ocean rises couple inches each year
-each harvest (probably every month unfortunately without killing the crops) is as tall as a mountain.
-each rain is a flood (noah's ark bad of flood)
-dimension hopping is highly unstable, and when used incorrectly, can cause fun side effects such as limb amputation, memory loss, and death. On the plus side, people learn how to dimension hop from a young ages, so they're experts by the time they're adults.
-names are banned, as giving each other names can get Very Bad very quickly. As in someone could be named Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu.... you get the idea.
-people are not allowed to take from other dimensions. not only will it fuel their desire to Take more, their dimension itself might notice the foreign objects in it and try to purge the items however it can (* frantically gestures towards null*)
-death is (not very surprisingly) very common, both by hazards in their own dimensions and in others, and by the time they're children they are usually desensitized to it
-technology is, on the most part, rudimentary. not because they don't have the means to make it - in fact they have some stuff that could be considered "ancient technology" or "futuristic" by other dimensions, and even if they didn't, they can easily get blueprints from other dimensions that have super technology - but it's because they spend so much time in other dimensions giving away the excess they have in their dimension, where in each one they have no idea how their technology is going to work. Plus, there's the fact of floods, landslides, and the like are extremely common, and they don't have the time to continuously rebuild it over and over again.
-They look almost tribal in their outfits and houses. They're almost never form fitting or perfectly tailored, as no one specializes in making clothes or learning how to make intricate houses (they don't have the time to spare on perfecting the craft, and they need all the help they can get in getting rid of the excess in their dimension), plus it saves on resources to have items that can be easily made.
-The inhabitants of the dimension are surprisingly resilient. Not only because they breed like rabbits, it's a cruel natural selection at its finest, venturing to dangerous dimensions on the regular, with barely anyone mourning the deceased.
-There are very few, if any, set traditions they have. Not only do they mix with so many other dimensions' cultures so often, having any traditions would be dangerous to them, especially if it doesn't benefit to their survival.
-On the subject of traditions, it's dangerous for them to have anything close to them(whether that be object, person, place, or feeling), have traditions, or pick up enjoyable hobbies, as just like the dimension around them, their feelings can compound more and more. They can easily become obsessive over something and continue to do it over and over, more and more, until it's the only thing they think about.
-There is no school. The closest things that children have for schooling is an informal teaching where the children are taught to read, write, and do basic math (probably up to multiplication and division). Their writing usually isn't that good, even adults have poor writing abilities, but it's legible.
-Everyone pitches in with work. If you're injured, you're working back in the home dimension. If you're able bodied, you're in other dimensions giving away excess. It's not that uncommon for people to work themselves to the bone.
-Dying young is normal. Once someone starts to experience problems due to their age, they will often die from the hazards posed in their dimension or others. Besides, even if they live to an old enough age they start needing assistance from others, they will die, as there is not enough time to care for another, especially if they're going to be a liability.
-silence is often preferable, especially in other dimensions. Talking leads to asking questions, and questions lead to curiosity, something that they want to avoid, especially in other dimensions where they can fall in love with a particular dimension and never want to leave (it never goes well for them, as someone who was never meant for a dimension will be removed very quickly), as well as compounding feels that can overwhelm them. Children learn from a young age to not speak much, ask questions only when needed (being clear and concise is preferable. No one cares how blunt or rude they sound), and make statements about things, of which can be answered as true or false, instead of asking questions.
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