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16 Oct 2020 Science
Circulatory System
It moves Oxygen and CO2 out of human body.
Blood makes loops around your body.
Deoxygenated blood comes through the superior and inverior vena cava and enters onto the right atrium.
The deoxygenated blood passes from the right atrium to the right ventricle.
After passing through the right ventricle, the blood will get onto the pulmonary arterie and it heads to the lungs.
After the blood passes through the lungs, the blood becomes now oxygenated blood.
That oxygenated blood comes back to the heart entering onto the left atrium.
It will flow down to the left ventricle.
After that little tour, the blood comes out through the aorta to the brain.
From the brain it goes down to the different parts of the body.
Then veins devolve deoxigenated blood to the heart and the proccess starts again.
There are five types of blood vessels:Arteries, Arteriole, capilaires, venules, and veins.
Blood consists of Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Plasma(Liquid Portion.), and platelets.
Cardiac cycle consists of diastole and systole.
Systole is when the heart contracts to pump blood out.
Diastole consists of the heart relaxing after contraction.
The parts of the heart(ventricles and atriums alternate to complete this cardiac cycle.
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