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i kmow i m a hypocrite who hardly ever sticks to her words, i know this is the exact opposite of what i said before, i know this is me holding u back n this is me making things hard for myself but f with two weeks this is all ive been doing since, i updated sone covers hoping youd listen to the carly simon nobody does it better one, i changed my status awhile ago to goodnight because i couldnt say it to you directly like i used to every day, n i remember i wrote you a reminder on the notes under your profile and how you told me its not visible to you so i ve been writing since bc i cant talk to u

i dont even know why im telling u all this n i hate myself for doing this cus i dont wanna spoil what you have right now and u seem much better off without me & im happy ur doing great, i really wish i was better maybe you wouldve stayed then.
my chest still feels rlly rlly very much heavy losing someone whom uve made the very part of ur day to day lives sucks very much & you know well just how many people i talk to daily (used to be two now i only have one), mayb with me gone doesnt affect much to ur everyday lives bc u have someone else, & thats cool im really glad you have someone you can go to n tell about your day n you can rely on, im happy for that. im still hesitant about befriending you again, cus ill catch feelings all over again and ended up being friendzoned & thats not my thing

this was my first note

ur stuffs camt do themselves so do them!!! 😠👍

n these r all the notes ive been writing (i /retouched/ the recipe)

please remember to never skip meals,
youll gwt tummy ache

please eat more

drink enough water

if ur having art block try looking up random things u find amusing, anything out of the ordinary, or just anything u never really paid attention to but is actually amusing, maybe try new techniques, dont worry too much about art block, it doesnt make u any less of a great artist than you already are

speak for yourself, you did that a lot with me, when im being an ass or being annoying you wouldn’t hesitate to tell me, thats really nice, do the same with everyone, say no when you mean no, say yes when you mean yes, dont get them mixed up & ended up giving u hard times

theres this site called caracal, you can watch anything anywhere (even netflix, and only one person has to have netflix) with people there, its like screen sharing, its free n it can b used on both pc n phone, so u can watch stuffs together w the people u love :)

drink enough water (again), always keep water bottle in ur room

dont shower too much !! twice already is more than enough

its ok to skip working out every once in a while, im sure ur doing great staying in shape

happy i love u day :)
i miss u this doesnt feel right

i miss u i cant sleep

i miss u again

i still miss u

im here if you need ice cream late at night, or anything

you re great n you re enough, at least for me you are :)

youre a really great artist and your arts r rlly great n you always impress me, if not many told you that constantly, remember that id always say that bcs thats true

dont feel bad for asking for your share, its yours to have

biterballen recipe in case you wanna make it again w your little brother :
bahan :
- susu
- mentega
- tepung terigu
- keju
- add ons (optional up to your liking)
- telur
- tepung roti
- garam lada msg
cara membuat :
- mentega secukupnya lelehkan api sedang (4sdm or more depends on how much u wanna make)
- masukin tepung terigu secukupnya sedikit-sedikit sambil terus di
- aduk sampe jadi adonan halus ngga ada gumpalan tepung
- masukin susu secukupnya sedikit sedikit sambil terus diaduk sampe ngga ada gumpalan dan sampe adonannya jadi
- masukin garam lada & msg
- masukin keju sebanyak banyaknya aduk rata
- masukin add ons aduk rata (kalau ada)
- cobain dulu udahbpas atau belum rasanya, kalau belum ditambahin yang kurang2nya
- matiin kompor, set aside sampe ngga terlalu panas
- bulet buletin adonannya
- balurin tepung terigu > telur > tepung roti
- goreng sampe golden brown
- jadi :)

have some pep talk with your loved ones every once in a while, itll help you feel much better about yourself

its ok to cry sometimes i think its healthy, i ve been cryig a lot too i cried listening to mariposa n nobody cries listening yo mariposa its a beautiful happy song

i read somewhere, communication isnt the key, comprehension is, no matter how much you communicate if nobody comes to an understanding it wont work out. maybe thats what im lacking, im not understanding enough

be proud of being a weeb, its great n not weird at all, i am too (finally admitting to it)

im sorry im really sorry for doing this n beimg this way maybe this will make it easier for me to let go idk saying i hate u n stuffs only makes it harder
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