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For the SWOT Analysis, the strengths of Apple is that Apple is already a famous and a known brand worldwide with no exception in the Philippines, and Apple is known to be innovative that lead them to be successful, Apple products have a consistent and user-friendly interface and Apple offers a more secure operating system.

For the Weaknesses of Apple, Apple products are known to be expensive and thus appealing to mid-end to high-end consumers more. Additionally, Apple products are known to be fragile and it is incompatible with third-party software or applications although it has better security because of this

For the Opportunities that Apple has, Apple can easily advertise their products because of the pandemic; they can entice more customers to buy their product for work and schoolwork at home and thus this can grow its market demand. Furthermore, Apple has the ability to bring something new and different in the technological world.

For the Threats, Apple has a lot of competitors in the market. Moreover, Some suppliers and retail stores of apple have been forced to shut down until the pandemic subsides. Plus, Apple's competitors have developed a new product that can support the 5g cellular network

with this information that the group have gathered which includes apple's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the group have devised strategies to help apple's business
First, Strength/Opportunity based strategy, Because of COVID-19 schools and work have shifted to an online environment. With this, Apple can create advertisements that are related to such situations while guaranteeing the security of its product users with its exclusive operating system.
Second, Weakness/Opportunity Based strategy, Apple can make videos to advertise the maximum strength limits of its products in strength test videos to exclude the image of Apple and its fragility that is seen with Apple's products.
Third, Strength/Threat Based Strategy, Apple is currently one of the famous brands when it comes to technology. Thus, having an edge over its competitors. Moreover, Apple can use its advantage in terms of security of its operating system to further promote its products and brand image.
Last, Weakness/Threat Based strategy, Apple can offer discounts on its products in troubled times like these. Additionally, Apple can minimize its production since supplies are lessened and this can help Apple's waste management and become a healthy environmentalist company and further promote their brand image.
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