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Holy Classes Enlightenments xx

{HOLY CLASSES} You all seem pretty bored, so how about we learn some facts about frogs this afternoon! I will be hosting a Class about them in the Library, head upstairs and we will get started soon! x

I will now start. I recommend taking notes as we are having a test on this subject tomorrow, those who get answers correct will get a prize! I’ll give you some time to get prepared. Say “!notepad” to take notes! x

Have you ever seen a frog drink water? That's because they don't! Frogs absorb and drink water through their skin.. Woah. x

A frog sheds its skin once a week. When they finish shedding it, they usually eat it since it's just dead skin. I wonder how it tastes..?

Frogs are amphibians. That means that they can live on both land and underwater!

Did you know that a group of frogs is called an army? It's true. A pretty ironic name for such a cute little amphibian, don't you think?

{HOLY CLASSES END} And that concludes our class for today! I hope you all took notes as we shall have a test on this topic tomorrow. We will now continue with our daily schedule. Good luck on tomorrow's test!

{HOLY CLASS TEST} Hi everyone! I hope you took notes from yesterday's Holy Class, because today we are taking a test. I will be bringing up a few patients to answer some questions, if you get them correct you shall receive a prize! x

What do you call a group of frogs?
What do frogs do when they finish shedding their skin?
How do frogs drink water?
What do you call an animal that can live on both land and underwater?
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Regards; Team

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