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Packaging has a multitude of functions, depending on the product being sold. The main purpose of packaging is to protect the goods within; this can be protection from water, scratching, breakage, etc. In terms of foods, packaging keeps the contents fresh and protects them from water, dust and even from going bad. Nowadays, packaging has become a form of advertising; companies will often recommend other products they sell on the packaging of their most popular products.

The main purpose of packaging is to protect goods. The more protection a product requires, the more complex the packaging is. Packaging is supposed to protect against any type of damage (like contamination, weather damage, scratches, deformation, corrosion and breaking). Packaging also protects goods from theft. Some packaging is a few times larger than the valuable products it contains to make it hard for thieves to hide the product and remove it from the store. Also, an envelope protects a letter from being read by others.

The primary purposes of packaging are to contain and preserve products, and to inform people about them, as well as to promote and display the products they contain. When designing graphic products (as with all technologies) it is important to ensure your and other people's safety, and to avoid damaging the environment.

Packaging: functions and techniques

Packaging fulfils the following functions:
containing and holding the product
protecting the product from damage
informing the customer about the product
creating brand identity to promote and help sell the product
making it convenient to carry, use and store the product

Food packaging protects and preserves food. A range of materials can be used for packaging, some of which are environmentally friendly. Labels carry information for the consumer. Some of this information is required by law.
Packaging functions

Six eggs inside a protective egg carton.
The main purposes of food packaging are:
to preserve the product
to protect the product from damage
to make the product more attractive to the consumer
to make it easier to transport the product
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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