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shut the f up, this person is literally so uneducated it physically pains me. You cannot compare me saying how it is annoying and
hurtful when people tell people of color when they straighten their hair which is viewed as perfection in today's society and beautiful that it looks better than when they have their hair natural. Which is how it looks under the water, which is viewed as less than and ugly, to when a white celebrity wakes up with bed head vs when they are on the red carpet with their hair done nice. Not only is that the stupidest comparison ever, it doesn't make any sense. White celebrities with straight her do not feel the need to walk around changing their hair from what it naturally is, to quote on quote fit in or be even somewhat accepted into today's society. So when I say it's annoying and hurtful I mean it, cause I've seen it happen to numerous people. People of color are constantly straightening their hair to fit in to what society wants us to look like to the point where they are literally damaging their natural hair whether it's becoming thinner, or it has heat damage, or anything else. People are changing what they are born with, what god gave them, because it's viewed as ugly or not good enough, to the point where you don't even see their natural hair. So yeah it's annoying and uncomfortable, because even though its my hair, its not how I was born and it's not my hair. my hair isn't more beautiful when it's straightened, you got it wrong man.
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