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Empty/toss specimen rack(s) over 2 days old
Remove MICRO specimens in refrigerator for tasking/batching after morning draws
sort and store printed material in proper areas
after midnight....
Start the program 'SOFTLAB'
open-> STATUS icon:
select: "collected" ->enter 'NO'
"received" ->enter 'No'
*note- look for spec. not labeled, highlight and print labels
Separate labels and put in order...
Priority as follows: STAT; timed; ICU; 601-611; 201-219; covieland 612-615
*note if PTT must be drawn prior to 0100, call courier for pick up, specimen is only viable for 4hrs. If the PTT is not a timed draw, hold off until 0200 to draw.

Use 'ORDER ENTRY' to combine or cancel tests.
Check for Misc. test for tube and special handling needed.
count patient labels, write on top of 'STATUS' print out .

midnight 0000-0400 phlebo. should return to lab by 0330....
centrifuge chemistry specimens, remove micro specimens from refrigerator and task accordingly to Rancho
Stool(OB,cdtxm), MRSA, Cre, sputum(cxre), wound(cxwd), cath tip(ctip) tasked/batched together
Blood cultures all together
frozen (lactic/ammon)
refrigerated (T2CBA)
note if grafx ordered for sputum change to CXRE
For Labcorp specimens:
receive, aliquot if needed
open "REFERENCE LAB" icon; new; labco; scan specimens; enter send to reference
highlight temperature on printouts, bag and handle as indicated
insert CBC's in racks with barcode facing out and put on rocker
CBC's are received at CLS's request. Do so in Softlab by opening "RECEIVE" icon
highlight 'ORDER' and scan each specimen, everything will be marked 'YES'...go through and mark 'NO' on any specimen NOT a CBC.
Blood bank-
Check to see if 'T & S' was done within the last 72hrs. If not fill out BB wristband label with pt. name, date, time, MRN #, phlebo. initials. Peel and place label on pink tube; put pt. label on 2nd pink tube.

UA's are done by 8hr phlebo.
use Red Rack for UA's
Using Softlab 'ORDER ENTRY' Received and print labels for each patient UA.
Place one label on UA form and one label on UA specimen.
If UA is normal- cancel urine culture with comment "not indicated"
If UA is positive, print Urine Culture label, place on grey urine tube and task to Rancho

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Regards; Team

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