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Prince of Hope: One who Destroys with Hope or Destroys Hope

Princes ghost their opposite Aspects as they destroy theirs. They are violently stubborn pessimistic people that stop at nothing to reach their goals. Their challenge is to not destroy themselves along their destructive path.

A Prince of Hope destroys Hope, Positivity, Harmony and Optimism in their path of Destruction. So they 'ghost’ Rage in their destruction of Optimism, being pessimistic, defiant, skeptical, critical and doubtful of everyone and anything except themselves. They wield their own beliefs and faith stubbornly, refusing to see any alternative other than what they believe to be right and true. They destroy any kind of acceptance of any reality other than their own. This can make them live in a kind of bubble of delusion that surrounds them. Then their own stubborn beliefs can cause them or anyone else caught in their delusions to blindly walk into any situation without any thought that they might be wrong or that they have may have put faith in the wrong thing.

Though their powers to wield Hope can make it so that whatever they believe will actually be so, by destroying the truth in whatever they don’t want to be true or real. But also the destruction of Hope, trust and love surrounds them with their own Hate and fear and mistrust. Princes of Hope would also wield Hope like a weapon, being an unstoppable force of destruction, constantly moving forward, trusting in their own innate power and believing in their own strength. They can destroy the authenticity or realness of anything they wish, by either shutting down the belief in it by using their defiant skepticism or by physically destroying it.

They are prone to be very negative people at times, but they are twice as stubborn and adamant in their beliefs as other Princes. When they get going they are unstoppable, and you only wish they are on your side and not out to get you. This can seem bad if what they believe is not what everyone commonly believes, thus they might not get along with people with conflicting views. But if everyone agrees on what is right, they are your unstoppable trustworthy right hand man in your main force.
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