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Sylph of Heart: One who Invites Creation of Heart or one who Invites Creation through Heart

Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines

A Sylph of Heart would have all kinds of opinions about empathy, caring and mercy and how more people should show it. They may have a bad habit for intentionally coddling and being overly attentive to anyone who needed a little empathy. They likely have very high moral standards about these kind of things and would likely feel compassion for anything put into a compassionate light. They push others to be open and honest with themselves and others, not liking things to be hidden away. They live on their instincts and impulses for what they feel is right or wrong.

They float by on their desires and wants, never letting them be hidden and always be perfectly honest and open with what she expects. As a Sylph, they can invite the creation of caring and mercy in someone’s heart, or just invite the creation of the heart itself. They have probably mastered the art of “puppy dog eyes” and the phrase “Oh come on, don’t you have a heart? What’s wrong with you?” They can invite the creation of wants and desires in others by meddling and playing a kind of matchmaker, doesn’t matter if they weren’t really a good match, they can just create the feelings and impulses. Their own high moral standard and compassionate nature prevents them from really abusing this power though.

They could probably spend days describing someone’s inner soul to themselves and what their feelings were. They could make excellent emotional therapists because of this. Sylphs of Heart could possibly even make inanimate objects alive! In a way, they could create new Souls for things, even things that couldn’t talk or move, they could only feel and understand and empathize with you and wow this took a dark turn very fast. They could create new love and heal old broken hearts. To be honest they sound like Cupid.
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