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Sylph of Space: One who Invites Creation of Space or one who Invites Creation through Space

Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines

A Sylph of Space will likely have all sorts of ideas and opinions on the origins of things, where it all began, how the universe was created, how their species originated and unlike other Sylphs, a Sylph of Space is a bit more precise or accurate in their opinions. Some Sylphs of Space are very random and changeable and by their nature invite others to be as random as they are. Most will love to try to inspire people with art, fashion and their intuition, hoping that others will follow suit in their example and be creative as well. They love for things to be made, either by themselves or others and may have a specific hobby involving just making some sort of random object.

They also like to fill up empty spaces wherever they see them with trinkets doodads and thingamajigs so they often leave a trail of clutter wherever they go. Some might also create empty spaces where they think their needs to be one, so either obsessively cleaning things of or nosily meddling in other’s personal Space. Some might have trouble focusing on one thing for too long, inviting the creation of the random changeableness, and others would be super focused on what’s presently happening. They have a tendency to make others very impatient with them, or they may be super impatient at times themselves.

So you can see that not all Sylphs of Space need act like Kanaya, where Kanaya was focused on the present, and wanted to inspire people with her sense of fashion and was a nosy personal Space meddler and didn’t have much clutter around her, other Sylphs of Space might be super random and unfocused and cause other people to be very impatient with them and their habit of cluttering up rooms and hallways, running around doing things and wanting others to join in the fun. They might also have a certain talent for stacking random objects, like cups, chairs or making card houses.
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