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The problem with online teaching is that it is sometimes difficult to establish a connection with you. I hope this assignment will help with that. Tell me a little bit about yourself and what I can do to help you succeed in this course. Spend some time getting in touch with your inner self before you respond to this! This is your opportunity to think about who are as a student and as a person and how this might impact your success in this course.

I'm a pretty introverted person, so public speaking makes me very nervous. I'm even scared when I talk to some people in my family. The only time I'm not too nervous talking in front of others is if I'm reading off of a script. If I have to memorize a speech or talk on the spot, my brain stops working and I stutter over my words. A lot.
I think I'm scared to speak because there's a possibility that I'll either say something that might offend someone or say something that will embarrass myself. When I was a kid I used to be really extroverted, to the point of joining the drama club. But then over the years I started worrying that I was being annoying and embarrassing myself, and now I'm really introverted. So I refrain from speaking in class or asking questions, which isn't good. Sometimes I'll even be nervous to speak freely around my friends, because if I say something wrong or embarrassing it'll get awkward. (Public humiliation is one of my biggest fears. Right after spiders.)
I'm also really bad at debating because I'm not good at thinking on my feet. If I'm debating with someone, I'll think of something that supports my opinion HOURS after the argument is over and then that bothers me for the rest of the day. In AP English Language, argument essays were the ones I got the worst grades on. I also have a hard time picking and choosing an opinion (I still don't know which side I believe in for the Nature vs. Nurture argument).
I guess the thing I'm hoping accomplish by being in this class is to learn how to think on my feet quicker, and
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Regards; Team

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