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Video 1: First green day
Stcok with a cataylist, that influences rich people if it gets the right volume. If this stock is volatile and goes up, people will spend allot and the price will go up.
How to buy it: Buy it near its close where it passes the hod and you have proper risk; this is best when it the first day aka trend reversal/ start to a major rn

How to trade green day :
Stock dip in morning and break pre market highs which become resistance to the stock. Allot of short don't short into the spikes because it can go parabolic. If stock support is 1, keep in mind that insiders want to keep the stock over 1 so it meets the nasdaq requirements, and use as a support for it to bounce. IN THE SECOND DAY AFTER IS CONSOLIDATED, IF IT HAS MORE VOLUME THAN THE DAY BEFORE, ODDS ARE THAT IT WILL GO HIGHER THAN THE DAY BEFORE.


otc pumps that everyday more voulume
Dip buying large market cap stocks that is not on bad news or hope
Crowded trades - 90% going long and 10% going short
This is best during lowfloat stocks; they spike for 1-2 hours and dip down for rest of day

next video:
Best methods; record things that will give consistent profits
Large -mid cap: If there are running on a multiday breakout and there is profit taking, people will want to buy in so find a trend reversal and buy in.

next video:
Power hour 1: 9:30-10:30, 2: 3-4pm; this is where it is most volitile.
Signs of morning spike: Closes strong on the previous day from: strong volume , hitting new highs, having news,
finished strong in a hot sector; THIS CREATE THE LEGS FOR THE NEXT DAY TO GAP UP.

Short sell: Stock dips from multiday breakout; first red day.
Long: when they short the first red day, the second can start a morning panic sell where you can dip buy off it.

Shorts for eod; Friday is last trading day so it pumps at 2;30 in afternoon and dip at 3:45 for people to take profit for the end of the weekend

Video dip buy:
Indicators: Stock has been running up for weeks and not days because this will create a bigger panic; reasons being; more people going long, more people putting stop losses. also people wanting to buy in after and short sellers covering.
Dont dip buy stocks that are running on bad news.

other video: If the breakout fails multiple time, be much more attentive.
hOT MARKET: Any s tock that is in a hot market with news realting to the market can squeeze like crazy so be on top of that.

How to conform breakout: breaks the higher highs with volume with it.
If you missed it and it dipped, as its consolidating, pass the vwap and bounce to wvap/ close to it will be when you enter

Video 2: tO THINK STUPID: when the stock goes up and down, the down is when people are taking profits and new investors will be attracted:
For this: Low cap- no high volume but good news that investors think it can have high potential.
Look at yearly too and see if the slope of the down trend; if steep its not good vs slow and spikes in the way of it,

Premarket: buy at 9am dip and risk vwap/ key support and sell at 9:15 and then let it fade, you can buy in the morning dip after.

Another key: If people see the same patterns going in, they can be screwed over

DPW: Pre market: low marketcap, consolidating above v-wap, and people put limit orders on it, and It can spike like that. This will only work if you have key risk and reward set-ups and loose stop loss like 10 dollars max.

Thing to know: If there's a low float with volume in sectors, it will spike in premarket and go up in pre market but then sell off later when premarket open. WITH THESE STOCKS THAT DIP IN THE DAY: THERE CAN GO TWO WAYS, IF PM HIGH WASNT NEAR OPEN, THEN MEANING IT WILL FAIL AND GO DOWN BECAUSE INVESTORS WONT THINK WILL HAVE ENOUGH JUICE IN THIS.
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