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I always thought that love can be just simple love but my story, my beginning may not had a good start but it doesn't define who I am, I learned to love myself after all the problems god put me through. I know he had a good reason to teach me things and experience love, lost and faith. God taught me till the very beginning and some how it's worth to keep having my head up. Yes of course I am scared that I will fulfill my dreams. That I'm so close to being in love with someone I want to be. I love my family and people who came into my life and the ones who have left because if it wasn't for the people who walked out of your life. they wouldn't have shaped the best person you have become today. The world is something special that we have to hold on, God will always be my first and last to think about. He gave me so many miracles and I cant thank him enough because he changed my life and the way I feel today. However, never judge someone for what they do or what they've done because you will never know what they are going through.
What do I feel today? . I feel like I'm so close to my soulmate, I feel it from my heart and i want to cry right now but not because I'm sad but because I'm happy. I never thought I could be this happy meeting someone. In my heart i feel like his the one. I thank Alicia for being there for me when I was depressed and so i almost lost myself, i started smoking and wanted to become worst. I lost what's so valuable to my dreams, My dream was giving my soul to the soulmate I should've have done, but god always has a reason for things to happen. Never let anyone say u can be this or u will never get their. In my faith on god, you can because this is your life and you should never let anyone tell you what can do or what you have to be. I want a purpose for doing ma career or keep being in school. I want it to be all worth it so for the very last think I want someone to know, you are one to your soul. God is always there when your alone, so don't ever think your mistakes define you, mark yourself to be different then others and I know its hard but never be afraid to stand what makes you happy. if being in love makes you happy. Then do it.
never let your depression to prevent you to be happy, even your family wont be on your side when you want them to be but i can promise all you need is yourself and god. As long you have god by your side all the way. He will keep you on the right path, he will surprise you when you least expect it and life wouldn't be life if you never go through pain. Lets say we are like a rose, to able to grow that rose it will need water and son for it to grow as beautiful as it should be. We are beautiful in our own way and if they don't accept them then say fuck them. Why should you matter about what they say about you? always put your foot down on their words. Love is what keeps life to be alive, spread love and no matter how many time they do you wrong. Show them love, maybe you'll understand what i mean when i say that because the more you give the more you receive and it never fails.
Someone that you least expect is goin to be the one that will change your heart, mind and soul. This love makes me feel happy because I feel like i finally found him and lets hope he is. He has made me feel something that no one couldn't get out of me. I never thought I could say "I Love You" to someone and meaning it in my heart. God has tested me during ever ride I took and when I tell you, Please learn from your mistakes it will change your life forever. You want the peace? Accept god and nothing will go wrong and learn to trust him, let him guide you in your life because he loves you and always have him in everything you have. I thank him so much because he changed my life, If it wasn't for god, I would be long lost. everything has a reason and learning to let go is the best feelings ever because you are doing what's best for you to be in peace. love is when you love god and only him, So Love him.

-Sefora Hernandez,
Corinth Holders- Highschool
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