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Dear, Ned Vissani
It's kind Of A Funny Story is not my usual choice of book to be honest. I thought i wouldn't like this book because the whole theme of the book was depression, and personally, I have gone through some tough times and I know enough about these kind of problems to know that everyone goes through them too. The strange thing is, I really thought that Craig taught me what depression really is.

Throughout the first part of the book, the main character, Craig, has a pretty decent life; he is a smart hard working guy, he has a supportive family, and a nice little sister. I think the fact that he had a nice life proves that anyone could fall into depression. As I started reading your book, I spent time inside his head, learning about overcoming his depression and discovering his passion for drawing maps. I read about people with all these different problems, from drug abuse, to self mutilation. Despite them being characters from a book, I really felt sympathy for them. I realized how real Craig seemed, and how someone in this world could have the same problems as he did.

This is such a touching story and shows that no matter how big your problems are, there's always someone that is worse off. I know many people go through depression, but Craig got through it in the end, by learning that there is a way out of all the problems and sadness. This book helped me understand what depression really is. How its not because you're just unhappy, but because of something in your mind sucking you in. and Ned, thank you for inspiring me and everyone one else by writing such a beautiful book.
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Regards; Team

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