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Political Parties in America - the unbiased history
Notes/Research - Day 1. 10/9/2020
Search term - "suppressed political party history United States"
Search Engines:,,
Google Search yielded drastically different results from both Bing & DuckDuckGo.
Google URL:

Google's bias was on proud display for nearly the entire first full page of search results. Of the 10 page 1 results, 8 linked to left-leaning media organizations discussing voter suppression in the current election (I guess that Google algorhythym is not as intelligent as believed? That, or it decided to purposefully ignore the clearly written search term and instead return a page 1 full of liberal-leaning, democrat-party propoganda. I mean, after all, we are in the middle of a Presidential election people! Google continues to push the liberal left agenda on the unknowing American public.
The search term was for "suppressed (read: obscure, hidden, hard to find) political party history United States" - in other words, hard-to-find history on the Political Parties of the United States. Careful Google, your Bias is showing.

Bing & DuckDuckGo returned results very similar to each other - which were all relevant to the search term.
Bing URL:
DuckDuckGo URL:

Bing seemed to return a front page of URL's mostly relevant to the search term (as opposed to Google's Opposite), 9 out of 10 to be exact. The one lone "irrelevant" search result was right from the pages of Google - as in it was also #10 on Google's front page of results. With that one exception, the remaining 9 results on Bing's first page were relevant to the search term, almost entirely steered away from biased news organizations, and returned more informative URL's which attempted to provide the reader with information on the political parties of the United States throughout history.

DuckDuckGo - 100% RELEVANT SEARCH RESULTS. Unbiased. Unsurpressed. A provider of relevant information pertaining to the user's original search query without injecting their own personal political ideologies (or that of a specific political party, wink-wink). 10 out of 10 results of pure historical information of the political parties in the United States. This is what search is supposed to be! Google's over-reaching, far-stepping, strangle-hold on the flow of information to citizen's of the United States is dangerous to our country and the World. Information is Power. Data is Power. Google is taking advantage of their competitive position at the forefront of Worldwide Information & Data Collection, Management, & Manipulation - and using it to further the political ideologies and agendas of the Democrat elite - by swaying the thoughts and opinions of the masses via mass manipulation & lies. Changing the narrative has become second nature for them and there is nothing they will not do to manipulate your mind. The Democrat Lie is the Biggest Con of All Time - and the American people continue to fall victim to their crimes.

Take Back Your Country. Take Back Your History. Take Back Your Mind. Take Back Your Pride.
Take Back Your Party.
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