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Non-Sterile Gloves
Non-sterile gloves are essential pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE). However, wearing gloves should never replace cleansing hands. Hands must be cleansed first and then gloved. Healthcare workers should wear non-sterile gloves when performing patient care that may expose them to non-intact skin, mucous membranes, blood, or other potentially infectious bodily fluid. Non-sterile gloves are also required when handling contaminated items, cleaning environmental surfaces, and when caring for any patient with a highly infectious disease.
If other protective equipment is required, gloves should be put on last. Gloves should always be changed between patient visits. The same pair of gloves should never be worn in more than one procedure. In addition, gloves must never be washed and reused. Washing gloves could create holes and make them ineffective. All forms of PPE, including gloves, should be removed prior to leaving the patient care area and should never be worn outside the patient’s room or in hallways.

Procedure for Non-Sterile Gloves
Individual agencies may have specific procedures that their employees must follow. The following process is an example of a non-sterile gloving procedure that might be found at any agency.
1. Remove all jewelry from hands and wrists, and then cleanse your hands.
2. Put the gloves on and pull the cuff of each glove over the sleeve of your gown.
3. If needed, interlace your fingers to position gloves correctly on your hands and fingers.
4. To remove a glove, grasp the cuff with the opposite hand. Pull the glove downward while turning it inside out. Be sure not to
touch any skin to the outside of the glove.
5. Hold the removed glove in your gloved hand.
6. Slip the fingers of the ungloved hand beneath the cuff of the gloved hand. Pull the glove downward while turning it inside out. Be sure not to touch any skin to the outside of the glove.
7. Dispose the gloves in a biohazardous waste container and cleanse your hands immediately.

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