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Hey guys sethly here back with another apex legends video. I hope you're all having a fantastic day. In this video we're going to be going over some teasers that are currently in game right now as well as what they are likely leading up to. Before I get into it, I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the support lately. It really means a lot more to me than you guys know. But if you havent subscribed already, take a second right now to go and hit that sub button, its completely free and is 100 percent, the best way to support me. Now lets get into these teasers. As you guys have probably noticed, located across kings canyon and worlds edge, there are screens that say inactive. You may recognize them from the bunkers across kings canyon last season, each one had a screen similar to this. Although there, is one huge difference. When you hover over the screen in game it says "Gravity Lift Status Update" and then a timer thats counting down and they all have the same time as well as they all have been counting down for multiple days. But what are they counting down to? whats going to happen when the timer reaches 0? Well there are a few different theories out there but I have one of my own that ive pieced together with all the information we currently have. Before I say anything, I have to make a little disclaimer that not all of this is confirmed, its just my theory based on the evidence we have in game. WIth that out of the way lets jump into everything we know about these little teasers we have on both maps.

First off, the timer is counting down to tomorrow, Tuesday the 13th, at 8AM PST. Now that makes sense, since we almost always have our big updates on tuesdays. What doesnt make sense to me is why only the screens on kings canyon are counting down. It could just be me but im pretty positive the countdown is only on the teasers in kings canyon. Im not sure why, but I thought I should point it out. One other interesting thing about the electical box looking teasers, is that they all have a cord sticking out of them and at the end of the wire, there is what looks to be some sort of device that likely controls the gravity. Meaning that at 8AM tomorrow morning, these teasers will activate thus creating some sort of area around them that has gravitional lift. But how could this be teasing the season 7 character, well its not confirmed that it is, but in my opinion, all the signs lead me to believe tomorrow will be our first sneak peak at a future apex character. As im sure you guys know, respawn has a long history of making in game teasers for each new character coming to the game, before they even come out. For example, the graffiti construction signs for rampart, the octane jump pad, and the crypto laptop, just to name a few. So im guessing this gravitational lift teaser will be hinting at the season 7 character.

Spoiler alert, if you guys dont want to hear about any leaks then watch out because Im gonna go over leaks that have been found and how they point towards a possible season 7 character. Credit to Shrugtal and Tobias for the leaks, ill link both of them down in the description below. Now remember none of this is officially confirmed yet, as with all teasers and leaks. If you guys recall, there were some leaks that came out a long time ago and one particular leak of respawns legend roadmap has been completely accurate so far. Based on this leaked roadmap, that ill show on screen right now, it looks like a character named Valk is planned to be the season7 legend. There have been a ton of leaks in the files for this legend for a long time now, including, there potential abilities. Ill show them on screen right now and as you can see all of the abilities relate to flying. Obviously those abilities make the in game teaser look like it was made to hint at Valk since gravity is directly correlated with the basis of all her abilities.

However, there was recently a new leaked character named Horizon and right now it looks like the teasers are for her, meaning she could be the season 7 legend instead of valk. Or respawn could be baiting us again just like they did with forge. Ill show horizons leaked icon on screen right now, she doesnt look to bad but of course it is just art in the files so its not a finished product. But there was also a set of files found that tells us more about the gravitational lift teaser. Ill show them on screen and these files are a part of the quote unquote Horizons Test Subject mini event. As you can see there will be three different gravity lift keycard challenges over the next 3 weeks. In order to be able to do each weeks challenge you have to activate the lifts on both maps. So to get access to the first deal 10 damage while mid air challenge, you will have to activate the gravity lifts in refinery, skyhook, airbase, and repulsor. Now obviously this mini event is named Horizons Test Subject so its not hard to come to the conclusion that these teasers are likely for horizon and not valk. There is even a horizon reward badge for completing the event challenges. Not to mention the fact that there have been 3 horizon finishers found in the files recently. Ill show the first on screen right now, Its called Black Hole and its pretty self explanatory. The second one is called grenade up and down. Now if you ask me, the animation on that finisher has the appearance of what a gravitational lift, sounds like it would look like. Lastly there is the finisher called repulsor push. Which brings me to Horizons abilities. Shrugtal made some speculations on what there abilities could be based on code fragments. So he thinks the passive will be "soft landing", giving you the ability to avoid all fall stuns and gain some sort of buff when landing. The tactical is Repuslor, and it displaces or elevates players near the point of contact and its a throwable type ability. Lastly the ultimate, black hole, sucks in and damages nearby enemies. Now of course these arent confirmed official abilities but they are very well educated guesses. So based on all of that I belive that the gravity teasers in game right now are going to be giving us a sneak peak at our potential season 7 legend Horizon. More specifically, horizon's tactical, which we will likely get a sneak preview of, with the gravitational lift generators. Comment down below, who you think is going to be the season 7 legend, valk or horizon? It could go either way at this point. But if you enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button it really does help me out a ton and If you haven't already dont forget to subscribe and turn on the notificiation bell for daily apex videos. But its been your boy sethly, and im out.
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