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75. Source A is partially useful as evidence of changing attitudes to immigrants because it mentions the fear of Eastern European immigrants coming from communsit countries, because Americans have always had an irrational fear of communism and thought that they would come over and spread these ideaologies into America. It is also useful because it talks about the feeling many americans had that the immigrants were unloyal to america, especially when WW2 happened because many immigrants came over from Axis countries. This caused a lot of tension and division between new and old immigrants. However the source is less useful to us because it does not mention that another reason attitudes towards immigrants changed is because of the shortage of jobs in Northern states, where a lot of immigrants stayed. Immigrant workers were oftened used to break strikes and could be payed much lower wages, so WASPs saw them as stealing their jobs. Also, the rise of the KKK and their beliefs that America should be a white protestant country affected attitudes towards immigrants. They felt that catholics (Italians, Irish, Polish) should not be allowed in as they thought the Rome and the Vatican should not have power in America. But the source is also useful because it is a first hand source that was written at the time, in the 1920s. It was taken from a speech by an Alabama senator, which is a good example because Alabama is a very conservative and racist state.

76. One reason why Black americans chose to migrate North was because of the promise of better and more jobs. The only jobs available in the South for black people were sharecropping on farms, which trapped them in debt and poverty. Moving North was supposed to mean better paid jobs in factories. Another reason Black Americans migrated north was because their livelihood was destroyed by an infestation of boll weevils. It destroyed crops meaing black farmers lost their income for several years, so they had to move to find new jobs. Another reason was to escape from segreagtion. There was no legally enforced segregation outside of the South, which would mean Black people had a lot more freedoms. Another reason was because hundreds of thousands of Black families were suddenly made homeless and forced to move. A huge flood in 1927 displaced people and destriyed property across 7 states. This meant they had no choice but to migrate North. Also, when WW1 started lots of vacancies opened for jobs so people chose to leave the south to get a better job up North.

77. The source does not fully describe the nonviolent protests of the civil rights movement. It does describe Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It also mentions the Little Rock 9 in Arkansas and the Brown vs Topeka case, but doesn't have much detail about any of these events. However, it fails to mention the Sit-In protests, which were key to the desegregation of public places (restraunts, churches, pools). It also does not say anything about the Marches led by Martin Luther King, which helped Black Americans acheive voting rights. Finally it does not cover the Freedom Rides, which was very important as it forced the government to step in and enforce the new desegragation rules.

76. Life was not easy for immigrants in the 1920s. They often lived in cramped and unsafe conditions, with huge families of 10 people all living in one room. They were easily exploited by politicians, as many came from countries where they had little political freedom and were not used to it. They were also exploited by bosses, because they were under-educated and struggled to find good jobs. Factory owners would use them to break workers' strikes, but this would make the original workers very angry and create prejudice. There was lots of tensions between 'new' and 'old' immigrants because of competion for jobs and housing, political differences and religious prejudice.

77. Source A is useful as evidence of the way Jim Crow laws segregated black and white people because it mentions many ways that they were segregated. It mentions that black and white children were not allowed to attend the same schools together, and it also mentions that black and white people were strictly forbidden to marry. Finally it is useful because it was written by a historian, who's job it is to gather and fact-check information and teach other people about history accurately. However the source is not useful because it does not include information about public transport, which was completely segregated so blacks and whites couldnt sit together or even use the same bus stations. It also fails to mention that hospitals were segregated too and white nurses couldnt treat black men. This information would have made the source more useful.

78. The Sit-Ins were an important step in the civil rights movement because it was a way for young black people to participate, which meant more people could protest as it gave black teens a method of protesting. Another reason they were important was because it once again showed the power of the 'Black dollar', the ecocomic power of black people. Woolsworths lost an entire third of their profits during the Sit-Ins. Another reason it was important is because it brought millions of eyes to the Civil rights movement through media attention. This was important because it convinced northerners to support the cause. Another reason it was important because black AND white people participated, which showed unity and proved that black and white people could live and work together peacefully. Finally it was important because the protestors got what they wanted: restraunts and cafes were desegregated! This was obviously important because it was another step towards complete desegregation.
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