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تزدهر الثقوب السوداء الضخمة عندما تتشكل المجرات بسرعة كبيرة. لإنشاء مجرة ، أنت بحاجة إلى نجوم ولدت من سحب غازية ، ولكن أيضًا مادة غير مرئية تسمى المادة المظلمة ، والتي تعمل كغراء لمنع النجوم من الطيران بعيدًا عن المجرة.
ستنهار النجوم بسرعة إلى ثقوب سوداء ضخمة ، وفي النهاية ثقوب سوداء هائلة الكتلة ، على مدى مليارات السنين.
الثقب الأسود هو جسم فلكي شديد الكثافة لا يستطيع أي شيء الهروب منه ، ولا حتى الضوء. عندما ينفجر نجم في مستعر أعظم ، يمكن ترك ثقب أسود وراءه. بدلاً من ذلك ، يمكن للنجم الفائق الكتلة أن يحترق وقوده بسرعة ويتحول إلى ثقب أسود ، دون الحاجة إلى انفجار.

الدراسة القائمة على المحاكاة ، التي نُشرت في 23 يناير في مجلة Nature ، وجدت أيضًا أن الثقوب السوداء الضخمة أكثر شيوعًا في الكون مما كان يُعتقد سابقًا.
1 - When the universe was still a baby -less than 1 billion years old- some of its stars turned into monster called black holes.
massive black holes thrive when galaxies form very quickly. To make a galaxy, you need stars, which are born out of gas clouds, but also an invisible substance called dark matter, which acts as a glue to keep stars from flying away from the galaxy.
The stars will quickly collapse into massive black holes, and eventually supermassive black holes, over billions of years.
A black hole is an extremely dense astronomical object from which nothing can escape, not even light. When a star explodes in a supernova, a black hole can be left behind. Alternatively, a supermassive star can burn through its fuel quickly and turn into a black hole, no explosion needed.

The simulation-based study, to be reported January 23rd in the journal Nature, also finds that massive black holes are much more common in the universe than previously thought.
ِِِA1- At one point when the universe was less than 1 billion years old, a group of its stars turned into a huge and mysterious being which we call today black holes. A black hole is a very dense object that nobody can escape from ,even the light can not escape from it even though it is the fastest substance we know in the universe. A black hole simply forms when all of the star's fuel has been burned then the star collapses and it may become massive after billions of years.

A2 - At some point when the universe was less than a billion years old, a group of its stars turned into the massive and mysterious creatures we today call black holes. A black hole is a very dense body that no one can escape from, even light can not escape from it despite it being the fastest known substance in the universe so far. A black hole simply forms when all of the star’s fuel is burned, then the star collapses , finally turns into a black hole after many circumstances and may become huge after billions of years.
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