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hey guys sethly here back with another apex legends video. I hope you're all having a fantastic day. In this video we have a couple different things to go over and based on the title im sure you guys are excited to hear about some of these topics im going to be covering. If you're new to the channel dont forget to subsccribe, its the best way to support me. With that out of the way, lets just jump right into it. Starting off with a pretty small piece of news but i figured some of you might not know about it. Earlier today, apex tweeted out about the next LTM we are getting for the september soiree and it is already out right now. Unfortunately, the LTM we got was the one we originally had before the game breaking glitch that caused a delay. Dummies big day, so if you guys werent able to get much time in that mode at first, you can now. We will have this dummy ltm until the 29th, so a full week. On to the next thing, another small release we had a day ago was a new twitch prime skin. Its called the Will of the Allfather Bloodhound skin, Ill show it on screen for you guys right now. Its prtty basic but definitely not bad for a free legend skin. So if you have twitch prime make sure to go claim that skin before the 20th of october, which is when the skin will no longer be available. The last bit of info I wanted to go over before getting into the exciting stuff is something about the apex legends global series. So earlier today, EA and respawn made an announcement regarding ALGS and a new addition. This is what they said in the post, "Hi ALGS Competitors, With the start of the Autumn Circuit on the horizon, we wanted to bring you some exciting news. Players from India have been eagerly awaiting their opportunity to drop into the Apex Legends™ Global Series and that time has come. Registration opens for the first Autumn Circuit Online Tournaments today and players from India can compete against regional powerhouses like EXO and Summer Circuit champions LYNX TH in APAC South." Now im not from India so this doesnt really affect me but i do think it is great news that respawn and ea are catoring to more regions especially in the esports scene. I mean you can never go wrong with more more publicity about the competitive aspect of a game. As you guys know, typically with most popular games, the consistent fan base that stays with a game like csgo for years, can be attributed to their love of the esports scene. Now lets get into the stuff i know you guys have been waiting for, skill based matchmaking, how it is being changed, how it works, and how crossplay will change its effectiveness. SO i saw this thread on twitter with some pro players and the zilch, who is a principal coder at respawn working on apex legends. I personally always find conversations regarding skill based in apex very intriguing because i can see the positive and negatives of both sides of the argument. Now im pretty sure the topic that sparked so much discussion about sbmm in the gaming community was the release of the COD Cold War Alpha. I havent gotten the chance to play it myself but i have seen my brother and some youtube buddies play and it looks like a great game but I did notice Skill Based and its obvious presence in the alpha. I dont wanna go much more into that since we are here to talk about apex. So in this twitter thread, a tsm apex player replied saying "The issue that most sbmm systems have is instead of using a balancing system off individual skill, it tries to balance team skill. Meaning pro players will be paired with bots while going against 3 stacking try hards to level the playing field." And that is the comment that made zilch, the respawn dev, reply by saying "I can only speak for Apex/Titanfall, which do not implicitly do what you've described. Being a top 10 player is going to bias your perception, where 99.999% of players are bots. Chat will have completely different problems, but they are often conflated and create an echo chamber." And to be honest i agree with that statement to an extent but the conversation didnt end there. In another thread someone said, "Btw there's a theory laying around that Apex doesn't actually use SBMM but a new algorithm (patented by EA) called EOMM (Engagement Optimized MatchMaking). It's basically engineered in a way that compels you to keep playing. ie: getting good teammates w/ easy lobby first game" This is the first time I have ever heard of this but i wouldnt be surprised if it were true. However, Zilch replied saying "Matchmaking and nearly every game feature is engineered to compel players to keep playing. Apex and Titanfall matchmaking do not use EA patents." Once i read that, i definitely got happy since EA is known for well lets just say, egregious tactics in their games. But Zilch continued on saying "It's not EOMM; no one working on Apex matchmaking has read the patent. Titanfall matchmaking has some resemblance to Trueskill, but Apex Apex does not. Games optimize for engagement. It's a false equivalence to say that means it implements EOMM or is nefariously designed." Now i dont know much about this system called Trueskill so i cant really comment on that but if you do know anything make sure to leave a comment down below with your thoughts. Lastly, someone replied with the main question I wanted to hear answered. He said "Will there be further adjustments to Apex legends? I think this is what the community really wants to know. Really the fact that solo players are matched against premade teams consistently." Zilch replied saying "Yup, matchmaking is "always" evolving. We do try to separate parties, of all sizes, but it's also a balance of queue times, skill, and population, assuming we've thrown out giving sub-standard latency." We have heard something like this before but Im still glad he said that they are continuously working on and evolving the SBMM system in apex. Finally, someone asked about skill based and how crossplay will effect it. He said "Can we expect cross play to help with that by increasing population or should we not get our hopes up that it will make a big change?" Zilch replied by saying "Yup, we can expect the population of parties to increase, without platform bounds, and thus versus each other before other party sizes. If that helps queue times, there is also room to further adjust pushing that factor -- parties waiting longer to only versus parties." Now im gonna be totally honest hear, as far as i can tell, this means that once crossplay is released, there are going to be more three stacks so thus a higher chance to queue against other three stacks due to no platform boundaries. And if that helps queue times they might adjust it more. Im still a bit confused on what exactly he means so comment down below your thoughts on how crossplay might affect Skill based in apex. If you enjoyed the video make sure to hit the like button, it really does help me out a ton. And if you havent already make sure to subscribe and turn on the notification bell. Its the best way to support me. But its been your boy sethly and im out.
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