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We hypothesize that because of this racial-ized identity, Latinos are more likely to view themselves as similar in status and members of the same panethnic group.
Social identities that are more salient are more important to individuals and easily politicized via hostile rhetoric than less salient identities (Ellemers, Spears, and Doosje 2002; Pérez 2015a; Tajfel and Turner 1979).
immigrants comprise a greater percentage of other
We hypothesize that due to outgroup attacks, Latino identity will gain primacy not only by the most threatened national origin group but also by Latinos of all nationali-ties who feel a connection to this identity.
we will focus on two measures, feelings of racialized discrimination toward Latinos in the United States broadly, and a new measure we call immigrant-linked fate.
Conducting experiments on emotional cues and behavioral responses, Valentino et al. (2011) found that anger is likely to increase all forms of political participation while other emotions like fear are inconsistent in increasing political participation
Phoenix (2017) finds that while blacks reported being less angry than whites in the 2016 election, anger was not associated with black voter mobilization but was correlated with white mobilization.
. When compared with first-generation respondents, being a second-generation Latino is correlated with a more negative view of Trump, but third-generation Latinos appear to hold more favorable views of Trump when compared with first-generation respondents

Why do some groups mobilize around their homeland identity after emigrate, while others do not? Why do some groups engage indirect lobbying in support of foreign policy related to their homeland, while others do not?
identify the conditions associated with diaspora mobilization

small-N research or idiographic case studiesof highly mobilized groups, such as the impact of Jewish Americans on the Palestinian conflict or Armenian Americans on the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh .In the past several years, scholarship has shifted towards a more comparative approach (Marinova 2017; Koinova 2018a; Mavroudi 2018)with some use of survey and large-N quantitative analysis (Hall 2016; Gamlenet al.2019; Ragazzi 2014).

why some mobilized diasporas become politically active rather than simply culturally active

undertake a large-N quantitative evaluation of emigrated groups in the United State

three hypothesized drivers of diaspora mobilizationin this article: identity preservation needs of the emigrated group; the urge to rescue kin in the homeland, and the mobilization capacity of potential diasporas

Scholars have quarreled over whether to use a positivist or constructivist lens to conceive of diasporas, with the latter leading to a continuation of what Brubaker (2005) critiqued as “let-a-thousand-diasporas bloom” approach(Grossman 2019

As such we define diaspora as an ethno-nationalist community whose members identify with an external homeland territory or country
h Grossman’s (2019) approach wherefactors area “transnational community whose members (or their ancestors) emigrated or were dispersed from their original homeland but remain oriented to it and preserve a group identity”(p. 1267).Ethnicity serves as a natural indicator of common origin from a homeland
perceived ties to a group’s homeland area central defining trait of a diaspora, and it is what distinguishes diasporas from ethnic groups (such as Hispanic Americans) that do not identify primarily on the basis of homeland ties

We examine two conceptualizations of mobilization. First, mobilization is defined as collective action by group members related tothe homeland identity and is generally understood as the collective participation of a group in organizations centered around the group’s cultural identity or homeland politics. Second, diasporic organizations in the host country can engage in overt lobbying of the host government connected to this identity. Lobbying the host state is defined as intentional campaigns by representatives of the group to change the host state’s policy toward the group’s homeland.
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