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Hello how are you and welcome to my chat
nice to meet you
how can i help you
how do we start
what is your name and dob
worrdaj rutanarungsi
and be specific with your name and dob
my gf
what is that you wants to know about your gf
21:46 - Paid session started
anything that you can advice me
what is that you wants to know
is me and her gonna make it ?
well i can see that you and her do have a very strong spiritual connection together and i can see that she do care for you yes i can see that there is a lot of negative energy around her and i can see
that she is not
sure some time what she wants but i can help you if you wants i can send your love and enery to her and let her open to you with her love and get closer to you
yeah she always think negative everything about me
if you have time i can do it for you
yes it is because she listen to others and she gets confuse but i can help you if you wans right now and remove it
doesn't matter how much i tried to be 100% with her but it doesnt seem to help
please do
well it will not help because you need a spiritual person to remove the negative energy so i can light 3 candles and do it here for you right now but the only thing it takes about 40 mins to do it but
very very powerful i help many clients
and they are happy about it
maybe just give me advice how to deal with the situation better
in 3 days to 9 days
you will see changes with her once i remove all the negative energy around her and clear her aura
i am exhausted , should i just give up or should i keep doing
well there is nothing else you can do just remove the negative enery around her that is what is the problem and issues
I am telling you what the issues is and what you need to do
is she cheating ?
so if you dont want to do that then you have to deal with it
she is not cheating on you
she have alot of negative energy around her and she have dark aura around her
when she is around you she gets upset and some time no matter what you do she is not happy it is because of the negative energy around her
so i can help you if you wants my help i understand your situation yes
so you tell me what you wants
do what ever you have to do , i want to believe ,
i dont believe on this kind of thing but why not right ?
sweetie if you dont i am not going to force any one i am not like that ok i am very strong spiritual women ok
i am not doing anything bad if you dont want to do it dont
it is a some to bring things better for you both
ok please do
let me light the candle ok
give me a min
I light the candles
what i want you to do right now
is type love words for example
and listen carefully
stop been
stress ok
typ love words for example
I love you
I miss you
you are my love
you are my soul ma
anything come in your heart type here
one line at a time
anything you want to type please type here
One line at a time
i love you to death
if we get disconnected please make sure you call back on chat ok
thx you
this is spiritual we cannot leave it a ritual and spiritual work half way and the main things is tht you have to make sure your payment go through if your payment dont go through i will have to stop the
ritual and reverse back my work and i dont like to do that becaue it is spiritual ritual candle light ok
so let us start now
start typing
your candle is burning
do you understand how it work
and you want to do this
right now
no you dont ok
what you dont understand?????????
yes please do it
what you dont understand
you said NOPE
you ask me if i understand how it work
that why i said nope
but please continun your work
well if you dont understand the work i dont want do do something and you dont understand what i am doing
for you
what do i have to do ,
it is candle light ritual i am remvoing the negative enery around her and clear
just answer you right
so she
focus on you
ok please continun
so let us start it now
40 mins starting now
please keep typing one line at a time
i will not typing only you
one line at at anyhing come in your heart and mind
starting now
im not really good at typing
one line even two wore
love you
miss you
want you
love you
over and over
love me
her ame
do me
her name
rania momo
rania monet
seem like she got more negative rn
she sitting next to me
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Regards; Team

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