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Good morning everyone! I hope you slept well last night, us nurses sure did! Once you've woken yourselves up, head to the Cafeteria for a nice, warm breakfast being served soon!

Welcome all new arrivals! We're so glad you made it here to the Sanatorium! Please put on a uniform as soon as you come in, it's mandatory. Then head to the Cafeteria for breakfast.

We've been cooking this lovely dish all morning.. It's called... Squid and Onions! If you would like to be served it, you must be seated in the Cafeteria with uniform on!

Yum! That meal was just so delicious- but very messy! So please make sure you throw away any leftover scraps and plates before you go!

-Checks watch- Ah, right on time! The Holy Shipment is here, and it's full of Holy Water. If you would like to be given a jar, please take a seat in the Lecture Hall.

Distribution: We're finally prepared to pass out the jars of Holy Water. If you want to be given one, you must be seated in a bench, with prayer hands down! x

Shortage: Oh my.. Unfortunately we're all out of Holy Water for today. You guys just drink it up soy fast! Try not to worry though, as more is arriving tomorrow!

Dinner: Do you hear that? It's not an earthquake, it's my stomach growling! I hope you're as hungry as I am- Head to the Cafeteria and take a seat while we prepare supper.

Dorms & Disposal: Yum! I hope you enjoyed tonights dinner, I sure did! When you're done eating, please throw away your scraps and find a dorm room before nightfall.

Nightfall: The sun has finally set here in the Isles, which means it's bedtime for you all. Goodnight, everyone! Sleep tight, and see you in the morning.

Bunker: Oh my goodness! Something has gone terribly wrong! There's no time to explain- Head to the Bunker as soon as possible, you'll be safe there!

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Regards; Team

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