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what time are you coming, today?' The message blinked Sero's phone on, said male flicked his eyes over towards it, he was just about to respond- "SO- Hanta, we were thinking.. why don't you come with us today? Tsuki is buying today." came the loud voice that broke him out of thinking about texting his boyfriend back. He looked up, Uso was looking down at him, hand's in his uniform pockets, devilish smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. the bell rang soon after, he began packing for the day.

"Uh, actually-" Sero began to say, but was quickly stopped by a girl coming behind his chair, throwing her hands around his shoulders and one of her hands clamping down over his mouth. his face immediately heated up it wasn't because he liked her or anything, it was because he was never used to someone touch him so carelessly and as friendly as she and Denki did. "But Serooo, you haven't hung out with us in awhile! you're always with Denki." Sero could hear the pout in her voice, he sighed, his shoulders sagged in defeat as he pulls her hand away from his face by her wrist. "Fine. but only for a little while! and I'm serious this time Miya." He fixed her with a glare, she sheepishly looked away, grinning to herself, She nodded nevertheless though. "Fine by me!" she spoke excitedly.

Uso smirked, draping himself across Sero's desk. "A little while is all we're gonna need, anyways Sero." he said, grinning up at the much taller male. 

"just let me call Denki, and then we can leave."
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