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Militarism- Denoted a rise in military expenditure, an increase in military and naval forces, more influence of the military men upon the policies of the civilian government, and a preference for force as a solution to problems.

Imperialism- Is when a country expands its influence and power into a large empire.

Defense Alliances- Alliances that are made on the basis of either common ethnicity, common interests, or common disputes.

Nationalism- Is an intense form of patriotism or loyalty to one's country.

Franz Ferdinand- Him and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo.

Triple Alliance- Agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed in May 1882

Triple Entente- Association between Great Britain, France, and Russia, the nucleus of the Allied Powers in World War I.

July 28, 1914- Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

The Schlieffen Plan- Was a plan for a designated attack on France once Russia, in response to international tension, had started to mobilise her forces near the German border.

Woodrow Wilson- Was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921.

Isolationism- A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.

U Boats- A German submarine used in World War I or World War II.

Lusitania- German sank the lusitania.

The Sussex Pledge- Was a promise made by Germany to the United States in 1916, during World War I before the latter entered the war.

The Zimmerman Note- Was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico.

April 6, 1917- The United States declared war on Germany.

Trench warfare- is a type of land warfare using occupied fighting lines largely comprising military trenches.

Trench foot- Is a medical condition caused by prolonged exposure of the feet to damp, unsanitary, and cold conditions.

November 11, 1918- The armistice to end the fighting in WW1 is signed in a railroad car.

14 point plan- Woodrow Wilson`s plan for the end of the war. One of the most important features was the creation of a League of Nations.

The Big Four- The U.S., Britain, Italy, and France.

Treaty of Versailles- This treaty was the official end of WW1. This was signed in Versailles, France.

War guilt clause- Germany must sign a treaty saying Germany was at fault for starting the war.

Reparations- Payments made for damage in war. Germany was forced to pay reparations for war.
Minorities in World War I
African Americans in WWI
What percentage of African Americans lived in the south?

What does Chad Williams say is essential in understanding modern African American history?
To Recognizing the the significance of World War I.

What did WWI do to the U.S. economy?
It stimulated the U.S. economy.

How long was the growth period?
44 months.

What destroyed cotton crops in the south in 1915
A boll weevil infestation.

What were the two reasons given for the migration of African Americans north?
Immigration from Europe fell sharply, reducing the white labor pool and boll weevil infestation that devoured millions of dollars worth of cotton crops.

How many in the “Great Migration”
7 million.

Between 1910-1920 How much did the African American population grow in New York? Chicago? Philadelphia?

What did they face in their new homes?
They faced discrimination and segregation in both jobs and housing in their new homes.

What was African American public opinion of the war?
They didn't want to get involved.

What did President Wilson say that resonated with African Americans?
“must be made safe for democracy”

Why did some newspapers say that African Americans should not participate in the war?
Because of rampant American inequality.

What did W.E.B. DuBois say they should do?
To not hesitate.

How many African Americans registered for the draft?
1 million.

What was the difference of the draft boards from blacks to whites?
Blacks were drafted faster then whites.

What were black soldiers used for instead of combat?
Support and labor.

What did the war department do in Des moines Iowa?
Trained 1,200 black officers.

What were the 92nd and 93rd divisions?
Two all-black combat units.

In the war, what happened to the 93rd division?
It was put under French control and didn’t suffer the same indignities.

The 369th was dubbed what?
“Harlem Hellfighters”

How many casualties did the 92nd and 93rd have?

The 93rd included two what?
Medal of Honor recipients.

What was the “Red Summer”
Red Summer is the period from late winter through early autumn of 1919 during which white supremacist terrorism and racial riots took place in more than three dozen cities across the United States, as well as in one rural county in Arkansas.

Of the 88 black men that were lynched, 11 of them were what?
11 of them newly-returned soldiers., some still in uniform.

The Harlem Hellfighters
The parade at the beginning of the article is about what?
African americans.

How many veterans were in the parade?

They received their nickname from who?
The Germans.

Who was He-nry Johnson?
One of the Great War’s greatest heroes.

What did he eventually receive 77 years later?
Purple Heart.

What were the estimates on how many people were in the crowd?
2 million.

What percentage of the 369th called Harlem home?

What did FRederick Douglass call his master? What was the 369th insignia?

What was made a holiday in 1938?
Veterans Day.

What was the first “veterans day parade”?
It was associated with “Armistice Day” was held for black soldiers.

What day was it held?
Feb. 17, 1919

What film had Wilson screened at the White House?
Birth of a Nation.

What was the quote that was in the Messenger, a socialist publication
“Will some one tell us just how long Mr. Wilson has been a convert to TRUE DEMOCRACY?”

War planners deemed racial segregation what?
Just as in civilian life, the most logical and efficient way of managing the presence of African Americans in the army.

What happened July 2, 1917
A black man had killed a white man resulted in the murder of nine whites and hundreds of blacks.

What happened August 23, 1917
Black soldiers in the 24th Infantry garrisoned in Houston revolted.

How many people were killed?

How many blacks served as combat troops?

What percent of all blacks in the military was that?

Who was blamed for the American Expeditionary Forces failure at Meuse-Argonne in 1918?
White Major J. N. Merrill.

What does Secretary of War Newton Baker eventually do?
Commuted the officers’ sentences.

Remembering the Harlem Hellfighters
What was the reason the African American unit was refused permission in the farewell parade of the National Gaurd’s “Rainbow Division”
Because “black is not a color in the rainbow.”

They were assigned to fight under what army?
French army.

The regiment was originally nicknamed what?

What was the reason for the nickname?
For their courage and ferocity.

What did Private Henry Johnson and Private Needham Roberts do?
Fought off an entire German patrol despite being severely wounded and out of ammunition.

Who spent more time in continuous combat than any other unit it’s size?
The Harlem Hellfighters.

What did the French government award the regiment?
The coveted Croix de Guerre medal.

What greeted them on February 17, 1919 when they came back home?
New Yorkers of every race turned out in huge numbers to cheer as 3,000 Harlem Hellfighters.

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