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​ @D. N. ​ Because they all contribute to lies and institutions that are consistently contributing to our gl*bal ensl*vement and worse. They almost all protect the core of evil ones within them, like the very powerful intern*tionalist us*rers & k*bbalists, the degen*rate media bosses, they even protect the ones who are caught in organised crime/ mafias... Not just things like dr*g dealing, but h*man tr*fficking also.
Oh, and the vast majority of them support Z*onism.
In Isr*el they only just made it 'illegal' to have sl*ves (for s*x or labour), and yet the police will still do nothing to make arrest or protect non-J. It's not a 'pleasant' slavery like they like to insist, it's a living nightmare, a hell on earth. Most of the slaves are taken from Wh nations, where the people are economically desperate (like Russia, Putin is J*wish too, he protects the Chab*d Mafia).
They all know about what is done to Palestinians too, which you should already know about, the sins are too numerable to count.

There is a false dichotomy between Communism (Marxism/ Bolsheviks) and Z*onist International capitalism, Moses Hess was integral to the creation of both systems and they were inspired by Kabbalah. Both sides are run by the same people. They created Th*lema/ Sat*nism too, as well as Freem*sonry.

The most religious amongst the J*w, use their greasy, long fingernails to shred the for*skin off their own young and then suck the blood out of the ch*ld's p*nis, sometimes transmitting diseases. If this is what they do in public, having successfully attained political impunity to do so, what are they doing in secret?
The surgical one isn't any good either though, any kind of "Brit P3ri'ah" is sick, you should see the 'rabbi's reasoning behind changing it from the original "Brit M1lah." It likely causes psychological problems in them, through tr*uma, since they already have a b*ological tendency for certain types of mental illness.

Aside from those things, they actively sabotage the host groups ability to organise and make healthy communities (they promote atomization/ alienation of the host group), so their closed communities can accelerate to places of power (like using nep*tism & s*cret s*ciety cronyism). The more multic*ltural/ multir*cial the host group's society is, the better it is for them, they can blend in better and take advantage of the chaos. Because being surrounded by outgroups, and having no in-group-pref*rence becomes a normality opposed to having just one prominent outgroup to focus on.
They are often only friendly (or charitable) so that they can win people over, which is a source of power for them, collectively. They usually have very high Verbal I Q, like a lot of w*men.
A f*reign outgroup taking all that power from the host group is never going to go down well, and look what they have done with their influence & power, spread chaos & corruption across the world. Such a mentally & socially deficient cult should never have power over any other group.

Bobby F1scher is an ethnic J*w, one of the rare ones that had shame upon becoming disillusioned. You should see what he says about the so-called "good J*ws," if there were any, aside for one or two like him, then they would speak out, policing their own people, and the identity would be very fractured.

J*ws have always been a separate group, historically. How else would they have been invited in to be kicked out so many damn times? (for no reason at all, of course /s) They were never a Germanic/ Celtic group, it's just that they mixed themselves in over time, especially amongst aristocracy/ nobility. Take a look at Sabbatean Frankists to see how they did that. It also wasn't always consensual, as they were always involved in kidn*pping & sl*very (See Radhanites).

They are clearly lying about who they are because their practices do not mesh with the original practices of the "cov*nant people", who tracked lineage paternally for instance. They also mostly believe the Tor*h to be a bunch of fables, and the Talm*d (Ph*risee Oral Law written down in Babylon) to be the more important book.
Their identity is a source of power & political impunity.

And they have the power to censor the entire internet to stop themselves being discussed about, which is why I have to censor myself like this, so the AI doesn't pick it up.
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