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What year was the Declaration of Independence written? 1776
What does the Legislative branch do? makes laws
What does the Supreme Court of the Judicial branch do? interprets/judges laws to see if they violate the Constitution
What is Congress made up of? the Senate and House of Representatives
What is the length of a term for members of the Senate? 6 years
What does the Executive branch do? enforces laws
What is the length of a term for members of the House of Representatives? 2 years
What is the system that was created by the Constitution in order to prevent any one branch of government from gaining too much power? checks and balances
What is the length of a term for the president? 4 years
When can a bill become law? the president signs it
What is the length of a term for members of the Supreme Court? for life
Who has the power to declare war? The Congress
How many members does the House of Representatives have? 435 members
How many members does the Senate have? 100 members
Why was the constitution written? To protect the rights of the people
What is the Bill of Rights? the first 10 amendments of the Constitution that lists freedoms that the government promises to protect
What is an amendment? A change to the Constitution
How old must one be to become a member of the House of Representatives? 25
How is the president elected? a majority vote of the Electoral College
How old must one be to become president? 35
How old must people be to have the right to vote? 18
How old must one be to become a senator? 30
What is required to become president? must be a native born citizen and must have lived at least 14 years in the US
What city was the constitution written in? Philadelphia
Who was the president of the Constitutional Convention? George Washington
When was the constitution written? 1787
Where are bills first discussed and revised in? Committees
How can a bill that was vetoed by the president still become law? the Congress passes the bill with a 2/3 vote
What does the Executive Branch include? President, Vice President, Cabinet, and the military
Who has the power of impeachment? the House of Representatives
The following ideals: Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the blessings of liberty are written where? the Preamble of the Constitution
Why are there 9 judges in the Supreme Court? to prevent a tie, ensure majority rule, and allow differing opinions
Who enforces laws, creates policies, hires and fires cabinet members and appoints judges? Chief Executive
What was the greatest concern for the delegates on what to write in the Constitution? To make sure the government didn't have too much power
Who is the leader of the military? Commander in Chief
What is federalism? A government whose power is divided between national and state governments
What is popular sovereignty? a government in which the people rule
What does it mean to impeach? To charge a high office holder with wrong doing
What is a bill? proposed law
What does the Declaration of Independence state? It says all citizens have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and stated that America was free from the rule of Great Britain
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