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alt right movement
-example of a far right, fascist movement,

general beliefs are
-People of european heritige, are or ought to constitute a biological, cultural or political unity known as "the white race" or "western culture"
-A international cabal (jewish people) are trying to destroy this white race through cultural diversity, immigration, taking in refugees and generally progressive politics
-there should be a nation established of only "white people" to prevent this

-anti feminist
-loose grouping, no political movement, they like trump
Charlottesville most overt demonstration of their beliefs

-claim to not be nazis, disavow overt racism, work through dog whistle politics
-pro tradition
-anti government, richard spencer says
-built upon pseudo racial science, a belief that so called white people are better than others, or as styled by the proud boys the west is best

-this is a v good example
-they believe in the superiority of one race over another, and try to prove it with pseudo science, black people. jewish people, muslim people,latino people
-they like tradition, claiming that the world is full of degenerates and wish for a return to a past that may have never existed

Relationship with government
-Alt right as fascists are, are hypocritical
-richard spencer describes them as pseudo libertarian
-they like capitalism, free markets, guns,
-however they also want the government to control immigration heavily and use government power to enforce certian beliefs and where people can live.
-Unlike old fascists this ideology isn't openly militaristic or expansionist, wanting to remain where it is and keep what it has.

-in america at least conservatism and the far right are interlinked. Donald trump is loved by the far right. his refusal to disavow white supremicist groups and his poltics are proof that it is interlinked. His approval rating among republicans shows how they agree.

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