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Prior to the Civil War the upper south switched from tobacco to grain, why did they do this?Required less labor
Caused slave trade to decline

Who invented the cotton gin?
eli whitney
The cotton gin made cotton a very profitable crop, what was its effect on slavery?
North feared slavery as immigrants would lose jobs

Who did the North rely on in manufacturing jobs?

What was the network of safe houses and guides for runaway slaves called?
underground railroad

Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner were famous for what?
killing white people and freeing slaves

In dealing with slavery, what was originally the goal of the North?

north wanted to keep advantage politically
In 1836 which future state declared its independence?

Why did Mexico declare war on the US in 1846?
we were taking land and wanted texas

What was the goal of the US in the Mexican War?
i gain territory

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the war with Mexico added many future states to the US, which of the following was not one of those states?

When the compromise of 1850 was being debated which future state was threatening the balance between slave and free?
15 to 15

Which senator created the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Stephen A Douglas

How would slavery be determined in Kansas according to the Kansas-Nebraska Act? they would vote
Northern politicians who opposed slavery broke off and formed a new political party, what was the name of that party?

Name the man who led a band of armed men to free all slaves in the late 1850s?
john brown

Name the first state to secede from the Union following the election of Abraham Lincoln?

What was the Confederacy’s first military objective?

to control fort sumter
Who was elected President of the Confederate States of America?
jefferson davis

Which side the North or South had a population advantage going into the Civil War?
the north. by 13 mil
Which side had an advantage in Railroads going into the Civil War?
Which side had a manufacturing advantage going into the Civil War?
Which side going into the Civil War had more military experience and skill?
Which side planned on fighting a defensive war to make up for its disadvantages?
Which side had won the majority of battles from 1861-1863?
Which general became the overall commander of the Confederate forces?

jefferson davis
Which side would be declared the winner of the 1st Battle of Bull Run?
Which side would be declared the winner of the Battle of Shiloh?
the union
Which side would be considered the winner of the Battle of Gettysburg?
At the battle of Gettysburg, what shape were the Union forces considered to be in? good shape

Who led a bayonet charge down Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg?
On the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg there was a famous charge by Confederate Forces, who was in command of the charge and thus it has been given his name?
george pickkets pickkets charge
Why would victory for the North at the Battle of Vicksburg be significant?
gave tyhem the mississippi river
What was significant about July 4, 1863?
July 4 The south Surrendered the city same day Lee began retreat from Gettysburg
Why didn’t Abraham Lincoln free all slaves?
he wanted to be fair to the south
Which Union general is the only one that Lincoln felt performed up to expectations?
What policy were generals Sherman and Sheridan to carry out?
1st order: Sherman and Sheridan pursue scorched earth policy
What state did General Sherman’s famous march to the sea take place?

Where did general Lee officially surrender Confederate troops to general Grant?
Appomattox Court House Va

One out of every _3____ Confederate troops died during the American Civil War?

What was Lincoln’s main goal going into the American Civil War?
preserve the union
What was Lincoln’s plan for dealing with the South after the war?
to be compassionatly
Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?
john wilkes booth
Upon the death of Abraham Lincoln who became President?
andrew johnson
Which Supreme Court Case determined that citizens could not be tried in military courts? Ex parte Milligan case

Which Supreme Court Case determined that loyalty oaths were invalid?
In ex parte Garland
In what year did Congress begin passing a series of Reconstruction Acts?
After the Civil War how many military districts would be created in the South?
The leadership role of the military districts in the South following the Civil War was in the hands of ________congresas and military ____.
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