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Starting a business first of all go to school get a degree I write on my plans of what I have privately on paper for no one can see it. I believe in your own self you don’t need no one to believe in you you got this far go to school and prove yourself you can do it you raised a child by yourself and you got your diploma and you took a college class will have a Lotta technology and you can do it your plans of starting a business and what you starting is amazing and most people will steal your ideas like they did before keep it to yourself because you help people and it’s OK because you didn’t think you can do it yourself now it’s time for you to believe yourself and go for it, nothing is that not even his crazy people that’s bothering you push forward don’t let your family tear you down you don’t need nobody to believe in you but God and yourself stay stress-free and things are rolling in good for school all the technology you can figure out once you get it and that’s it technology is going to be part of my brain but I can be I can be evil because they making it a listen and tell you stealing your ideas so you have to write it on paper you have to learn to write it on paper one thing at a time focus on business school and then take more classes because you have to take more than once to remember I don’t care what these people say you’re worth it I am people made it hard for you but I think it’s easy for me so if they think it that doesn’t mean it’s not easy but you can do all things through Christ to strengthen to you in Jesus name. And I will listen to no negative people you had a lot of negativity in your life and it caused great pain and anger but you know it is it right because it wasn’t you you have to change and more people out of your life that causes you to be anything but great stay positive and finish the process of you getting into the school And I don’t take on nothing I don’t finish or I don’t try my damnedest to be successful and so stressed free stress-free and focus on school only not nothing else not Social Security not no jobs and no money not your family not nothing else but the school pray for everybody else pray for everything else but focus on school get it done that’s your dream that’s what you always want to do and I don’t take on nothing I don’t finish or I don’t try my damn best to be successful and so stress-free stress-free and focus on school only not nothing else not Social Security not no jobs and no money not your family not nothing else but school pray for everybody else pray for everything else but focus on school get it done that’s your dream that’s what you always want to do God bless you with a high school diploma something you pray for and you did it you can do it again I see is impossible but people didn’t know how hard it was for me to go back and get a diploma when I was 27 I didn’t know how to spell though I came so far and the stuff I have learned over the years I know I can be successful I just take me longer than other people and that’s not good but it’s good because I’m still alive and I’m here to help the world see what I have to offer not going to be a housekeeper or dishwasher I have boss tendencies have on my own like everybody else said and I will nobody not going to tell me watch watch watch all right on my way because I’m coming through and I don’t need no one laughing at me and not believing in me and I think I can do it but my mind and thought it’s different from other people my only goal is to try to be successful at what I am going for and focus on me .....PS. OMG i’m going to need a good laptop no more social media or nothing else when school start again you know you can’t focus on nothing else like you did before nothing else nothing else not even these crazy people that keep getting in your phone let them do it so they want you focus you can’t do too many things well yes I can but I can’t go to school and focus on nothing else not even my toes in my head I have the fuck is school like I did before stress-free your daughter is grown now down there stress you out you did a good job even though it was difficult she did not make it easy but I Ihate God but I have a guy like this notepad it’s free. My friend told me to start writing things down for me I have the text talk and just write it down but I think that’s what I would do so in a study on YouTube before I go to school and it’ll be easier because I have to study and I will makes sense to me and then it will look amazing when I get it oh I’m so ready to get up I’m happy I can’t wait to go to school to Strother it’ll be a struggle but I promise I promise my own self I’m going to do it I’m going to do it I did everything I said I wanted to do what God I don’t understand why learn it is so hard for me and I can do a lot of stuff why is it so hard why do I have to do it so many times for it to get it like why why was I like this as a kid somebody do something to me my mother said as a baby and I cry thinking about they are dead baby The best thing I can do for it it may be is to make it and prove everybody wrong I’m not stupid I just look at things different and they can be a good thing because when I go to business school and I got a look at it like everybody else so I will be successful I’m a be a billionaire keep your secrets to yourself don’t even text talking because if you have some terrific ideas bring it to light can you do it yes you can nobody else in his world ever Said I can do it but my own self I prove myself wrong by struggling and going to school that was the scariest thing I’ve experienced in my life it was more scary than these crazy man to have my phone coming in my house messing with my car getting me fired bothering me on my job bothering my Pham school is way more scarier than all of that stuff so I have to face my fears said I can do it but my own self I prove myself wrong by struggling and going to school that was the scariest thing I’ve experienced in my life it was more scary than these crazy men tap on my phone coming in my house messing with my car getting me fired bothering me on my job bothering myself schools way more scarier than all of that stuff so I have to face my fears I don’t want to be negative and say I can’t do it because I’ve done it before but this is really big I’m a cry right now because I know God is pushing me that way and I know people will be looking at me and said I’m out on the sale like they looking at me now but that’s OK school more scarier if I could put on my street and I have any money they want Or no car to drive school is more scarier school and some more scarier than anything on this earth to me and a lot of people will never understand why because they don’t know how my brain work they don’t understand me and don’t want to know but I don’t care I know myself what I can do and can’t do I’m not a basket case I’m not a criminal I’m not a fraud my daughter get on my nerves and I holler at her just like any mother I do on human being and I’m a mother what mother won’t discipline their child I’m not saying I’m perfect I done things just like everybody else and do daily people do some sick things to the kids and then it was just you because you have a disability people leave the US I really don’t know I know they have a label for people like that but I talk to so many people to have disabilities and they are the best because we have better ideas in there we are much more talented much more smarter than that this stupid tell us because they don’t think like only thing I have to do is bring people like us in their organization and they don’t have to be a criminal today in the May they come up with a five ideas and strategies from intelligent person that thinks different but we’re so different excuses us we are normal to society they definitely don’t know what category category to put me in because I wasn’t in my mom stomach as a disabled child they hurt me when I was a baby they did this to me I knew I was smart but I was missing some stuff why it pisses me off because I know I would’ve been a lawyer and the other writing my people or I would’ve been a doctor I would’ve been helping people but God told me if I wouldn’t have been unique I wouldn’t be who I am today I know how to dress I know how to take care of myself I always have been but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a disability mine is different it’s a learning disability but I noticed when I went away to school everybody had some type of learning disability and they did but I’m wondering how does a learn how to read and do them things faster with the school and I could add to take me I wouldn’t be who I am today I know how to dress I know how to take care of myself I always have been but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a disability mine is different it’s a learning disability but I noticed when I went away to school everybody had some type of learning disability and they did but I’m wondering how do they learn how to read and do them things faster with the school and I couldn’t entertain me Longer more years to try to figure it out on my own I have to figure out things on my own I have to get it and if I do I’m a mess the piece so that’s what I want to do for school focus and get it the way I get it and turn the business into a masterpiece from a disability person that people don’t see but they Cedarhouse I as being normal but don’t know what the inside is they think I don’t have a brain I can’t think like a really but my intelligence won’t get no more than a housekeeping job or dishwasher and I have to do better than this I don’t get how old are you I’m going to start a business and I don’t need nobody to pump me up or motivate me I want to do it for myself like a deer before nobody believed in me and I didn’t have nobody to come to my graduation they didn’t even care they didn’t even say congratulations I wanna never did nobody like that my daughter graduated I had to beg them to come and she blamed a lot of stuff on me and it made me angry but I looked at myself and I said that’s not who you are and you’re so beautiful you are will you be too nice people take offense to you I meant try to molest me a date for 20 and 30 when you have a disability man take a vantage of you at my job are you by yourself I was at a rape you now I’m stronger I have a voice because I can text talk instead of having all of this and not saying it I have to write it out and then execute it we all said if people see myself is free my mind is free and I can write it but I can see it no I wanna try print this and see if I can read what I said that’s the hardest thing I can text talk but I can’t read my own writing that’s a challenge to oh how can I look at something I can read it and know what it is and what it says I don’t really know what it says I read certain words and get a meanie of it say I’m different even if I can read I can look at something and just about know what it says how weird am I the art of raising man is back he’s back to crazy man stop in over my head and I’m not gonna focus on him I’m really not he can do all would he want to on his phone but I’m focusing on getting myself to school is 2:42 AM minimum . This is my journey journal journal is a journey...... I hope you don’t you raise I want to try to print it and see if I can read it I hope I don’t get as mad and so angry you don’t even know me I’m a write a whole story about this man upstairs because I’m confused of how people can be so mean to someone that they don’t know even if this evil you could be quiet and be evil you just do stuff to me You don’t even know me you just get information from people and you add yours to same thing everybody else been doing for 20 years and you think I don’t supposed to fight back you know I have a disability so you think he was just gonna take me out I’m not stupid if you want to be mean go ahead and do whatever you Gotta do but why are you doing it because I’m fighting back they don’t know me I’m not a idiot I have a different type a disability. Who is anybody to tell me I don’t have one it’s been so many people see a talk will address will I look so cute want me to run corporation in business and if I could have I would’ve done it along time ago so many people they loved my motivation in my speech and how I give people attention so much I will do it for myself and I will write my journal about this mean man upstairs.. I know what I’m a pray for him and ask God to touch his heart and listen to him he just dump it what is wrong you must got a taste of hanging out with certain people in the spirit is olio blood of Jesus against you Satan I might not be smart like him but I am all mine I want to buy controlling me and I damn sure don’t want to try to ruin nobody life because I’m not happy so I would choose being a good person over and over again if people like him will change and care about people in the world would be a better place..
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