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I don't know if im the problem or what im stuck dude I cant escape what im in right now its like u feel u r already dead no one gives a fuck about u and everyday is the same wake up eat fight with my family then sleep everyday is the same and im tired of it I like need fucking help I want someone that loves and cares for me to come and hug me tell me everything is going to be okay then istg ill be out of this maze im in, I always do things that I regret my life is full of regrets and dumb me never learns I do the mistake over and over that's why I hate myself and I will never be confident in myself I just hate my personality im so fucking weak bro I never stand up for myself I don't mean in fights or anyth I mean if a guy touched me and I wasn't comfortable with it I would be quite any other girl would stand up for herself but im just a dumb peace of shit I just wanna die dude escaping the maze im in right now is dying but the problem Is that im afraid of dying like im afraid of killing myself but I know when I say this I may sound crazy or dumb lol but the second reason that I wanna die is that sa3etha people may actually give a fuck u know like my family that doesn't give a fuck about me I want them to know when I kill myself is that they did this to me like they all take me as a joke when I tell them just a bit of my feelings they take it as a joke like my sisters they could at least talk w me tell me whats wrong but all we do is fight im just jealous that they both r so close but like when im a round them its all just awkward and they just ignore me when I try to talk or make a joke I don't feel like we are siblings anymore bec we don't even act like it, god why does it have to be me why I just want to be a happy teenager who is living her life

reasons I hate myself
1 my body sucks im literally a tooth pic my body is so ugly that my teacher made fun of it infront of everyone and she told me that boys hate this kind of body and no boy will ever look at me she said it joking and I took it as a joke and laughed while all I felt was pain inside of me I know im sensitive and shit but stuff like this hurt like its the most thing im insecure about and now u are going to joke about it expecting me to just laugh well then ur dumb.
2 my personality I don't have to talk about it cuz its not even there.
3 my four head I know its something dumb but I used to not care about it but then when people pointed it out and I used to get bullied about it that's when I got insecure about it and hated it.

I hope that I feel better bec I will kill myself if things get worse then it is
for anyone reading this including me fuck u.

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