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Chapter: 1

"Look it was just a kiss okay, calm your ass down" I hear Austin Mahone say across the lunchroom to none other than his current whore of the week. The whole lunchroom now faces both of them.

"Just a kiss? Are you kidding me?" the girl, whatever her name is snaps back at him.

"Chill, it's not like we're fucking dating. You're not my girlfriend. I made it real clear to you before you got involved with me that I don't do relationships so suck it up" Austin Mahone says harshly to the girl making her cringe a little. The girl doesn't say anything back knowing that if she did she'd be done for good. Everyone knows not to mess with Austin Mahone.

A small grin appears in the corner of Austin's mouth knowing that he has won yet another challenge, the usual to him I suppose. He then nods slowly to the girl he had been fighting with a couple of seconds ago. As he makes his way out of the lunchroom he makes sure he bumps shoulders with the girl as he whispers into her ear loud enough for everyone to hear "I don't even know your name... but you were good last night" he winks at her making her face burn bright with embarrassment and fury. And with that, he disappears.

What you just witnessed right there was Austin Mahone. Rumor has it that he's not human.. whatever that's supposed to mean. I just laugh at the thought of that. He does the unthinkable. I actually have one class with him, art. Of course, he doesn't even know we have that class together, and honestly, I hope he never even finds out. I've heard that he's gone on random shootings sprees and that's why he barely shows up to school. I've also heard that he once robbed a bank sometime last year and got away with it. I've seen lots of kids from school hanging by his locker in the morning and usually after lunch as well. They're all secretive about it too, forming a huddle around him. I always thought they were his usual friends considering he's pretty big in town and by pretty big I mean everybody knows him. That's until Macy, my best friend once told me he actually would sell drugs to them. Whatever it is I don't really want to know or find out.

"What a good show before lunch ends right?" Macy lets out a small chuckle as she sets her brown eyes on me. I let out a small sigh I didn't know I was holding in and nod once. She was right it was a nice entertainment we got before we headed back to class or should I say we all got. Picking up my belongings from the table I get ready for my next class which just happens to be art.

"I'll see you around Macy, I've got class now" I slowly smile at her as she waves to me and I exit the lunchroom and head to my locker. Luckily Andrew or as he likes to be called Drew is already there waiting for me. Drew is my best friend apart from Macy. He's a fucking man whore, as much as I love him he is one and he knows it too. Not as big as Austin Mahone alright but he's getting there. But with the looks, he's got he basically has a reason to be one. His deep ocean blue eyes look brightly at me and give me one of his famous cheeky smiles, I smile back as I reach there. "C'mon hurry we don't want to be late," he says, greeting me and grabbing my arm as we both walk into the empty classroom. I take my usual seat, setting all my books down.

"How's my favorite girl?" He teases. "Drew, stop" I can't help but smile back at his cheesy comment. "Wow, okay. You just love breaking my heart don't you Mia?" he grins letting me know that he's only joking.

"Hey, Drew,"

"Yeah?" he looks up.

"Can you give me a ride after school maybe, please?" I ask him sweetly. Apparently, something from dad's work has come up and now he can't pick me up from school like he usually does. I told him I would be fine with walking since my house isn't really that far from school but now that I end up looking outside I realize that it's about to rain.

"Mia I thought your dad always picked you up?" Drew questions me with a puzzled look upon his face.

"Not this week, something has come up," I say answering his question.

"Mia, you know I love you right?"

Shit, I know where this is going. He already has plans after school. "You can't drive me home now can't you?" stating the obvious now.

"I already made plans to drive Katie home, I'm sorry." Drew pouts making him look like a little kid. Katie, I'm guessing is the girl he's messing around with now.

I chuckle "It's okay Drew, I'll just walk. No big deal"

"Tell you what, how about I drop Katie home and after I come pick you up and then take you home? Sounds good?" Before he gave me the chance to reply to his plan he had already made a decision for me "Good" he says satisfied, I knew for a fact that Drew wasn't just going to "drive" Katie home. They were going to do much more than that and I'm pretty sure Katie is not going to be happy being stood up. I can honestly careless, he's my best friend he's supposed to be here for me.

"Take your seats" Our art teacher, Mrs. Davis says and everyone does as follows. We soon then start our lesson. I really do not want to know definitions of art, I'd actually like to make art. We never really do anything involving art in art class we... learn. Instead of actually creating something that could possibly turn out to be a masterpiece we're learning about it. It's pathetic,

The door then opens and slowly stepping in is Austin wearing a black beanie and some shades to cover his eyes. "Mr. Mahone, you're late. again. Now take a seat and start your work, and also take off your sunglasses and beanie you know better than enough to wear it in school, you're not allowed to." Not bothering to take anything off he sits in his seat which is way in the back. Mrs. Davis is annoyed you could already tell she was beyond tired with Austin Mahone. She and every teacher in the school. This boy is wasting his senior year. I roll my eyes and pay attention once again.

"Maybe you can come over later tonight" I hear a loud whisper, it's him. I sit in the front and I can hear him clear all the way over here. This is so stupid.

He's talking to a blonde named Olivia. She twirls her hair with her finger and smiles biting her lip a little. I roll my eyes again, I can't believe I'm witnessing this. "Maybe you can teach me a few things baby" she giggles over to Austin Mahone.

I think I'm going to be sick. "Austin that's enough. I told you to stop talking and yet you-" before Mrs. Davis was allowed to finish her sentence the bell rang letting us know that it was time to go home. Thank god. Putting everything back in my bag I get up and walk over to Drew's desk.

"Hey I know, I haven't forgotten okay? I'll pick you right up after I drop Katie off. I promise I won't be late." Drew says putting his bag of pencils back into his bag.

"You're the best you know that?" I laugh

"I know" he playfully winks. "Now, I better get going. I'll see you later Mia" I give him a small hug before he finally breaks it up and makes his way out the door.

He's not here...

I've been waiting for at least thirty minutes now and he's not here. Drew where are you?

"Lost princess?" I hear a voice from behind me. It sounds familiar.. too familiar.

I turn around to match the voice to whomever this person talking to me is.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" It's Austin Mahone. I start to panic a little and I’m not sure what to do. Why is he talking to me? I feel a rush through my body and I'm scared. What if all those rumors people say about him are true?... The voice in my head decides to speak. Not now, please. Mia don't think like this. I'll be fine.

"W-what?" I stutter as I try not to look him in the eyes.

"Why do I have to repeat myself? I asked if you're lost" he says annoyed. Shit, I just pissed him off. This can't be good.

Man up Mia, it's just him. He won't hurt me... right? Shaking those thoughts away I finally speak "Uhm, I'm waiting for my ride."

"This late?" he asks me. Okay?.

I nod

"Hmm, by the looks of it seems like you've gotten stood up, babe" he smirks. Damn, he's hot. No, not now.

"No he's just running a little late, that's all," I say obviously lying. Can he see right through me?

"He? Your boyfriend" he raises an eyebrow

"No, my friend. He's giving me a ride home." Why the hell does he keep asking me all these questions? "And why are you here this late?" Before I could think of what I had just said I realized I had gotten into his business. But then again he's gotten into mine so there shouldn't be any complaining.

"Detention" Austin Mahone shrugs like it's a casual thing, it probably is for him. I mean he's trouble.

"You want a ride?" he asks me

"A ride?"

"That's what I asked didn't I?" He shoots up to face me.


"Listen, Babe, I ain't got all day alright." He takes off his shades revealing his mysterious hazel eyes.

"Where?. I mean where is your car?" I stupidly ask, noticing there wasn't anyone's car here besides the teachers of course.

He laughs as if I'm a joke. "My car? Baby, I don't bring my precious car to school where any idiot could do damage to it. We're riding in that." He points to a motorcycle that's standing on the side.

My mouth is now open and my eyes are widened. "no thanks" I say shyly not wanting to get in that thing. It screams out badass.

"Oh right, I almost forgot. You're a good girl." He chuckles at his own words then faces me once again "You won't do anything bad right?" He smiles and gets on top of his motorcycle as he turns it on and puts his shades back on "You'll come around.. they always do" giving me a side smirk just like that Austin Mahone left faster than I was able to blink.

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