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3rd Level Class Feature: Wild Boar Reputar
While Raged your Body Expels heat at an abnormal rate and small fire glows from your hands, feet, tusks and eyes.
Your Face Grows Boar tusks and your hands develop bulky claws these replace your unarmed strike .While enraged your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d4 fire damage. 1d6 at 7 level, 1d8 at 14 level and 2d8 at 17 level.
Claws=1d6+strenght slashing damage, later 1d8 at 7th level, 1d10 at 10th level, 2d6 at 14th level and 2d8 at 17 level. Same for tusks.
Tusks gab/Bite=1d6+strenght piercing damage

3rd Level: Boar Body
Your feel hungrier more often you to need food and water more Because of this over a period of days you rapidly pack on fat and muscle at an alarming rate, your body compensates for this by growing taller and stronger bones to now hold your monsters new weight.
Your ft decreases by 10ft
Your Ac now gets +2
You have advantage on grapples and your carry weight is increased by your strength modifier x14 in lbs but disadvantage on Climbing, Swimming and dodging ranged attacks.

4th level. Brimstone Battering Ram:
When you use your action to Dash/charge at an opponent or object you can see within 20ft of you that can be crossed without hazard. Its weapon prov to hit. On collision you deal Tusk damage X2+strenght and the opponent must make a strength saving throw or else be knocked down.

6 Level: your Unharmed strikes are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.

7th Level: Spiteful Glare
On receiving damage from a creature you may use a reaction to force the opponent to make a Intelligence saving throw. On fail they become Scared of you and cannot attack you on there next turn. Cannot be used on the same enemy twice within 24hours of first use and can only be used 1X your con modifier.

10 level: Boar Body Improvement
Your hunger goes more causing you to eat and drink even more than before. Your body increases in size and mass to near large size. You gain the following attributes:
Immunity to poison and toxins
Resistance to Fire and Ice
You gain prof to Intimidation or if you already have then double it.
You can eat bones and cartilage for nutrition.
Your carry weight increases by 500lbs.
Your further disadvantaged at swimming, climbing and dodging ranged attacks.

14 Level: Brimstone Battering Ram Improvement
While charging enemys you pass within 10ft of you must make a dex saving throw of take fire damage equal to your unarmed fire die+strength
modifier and half damage on success.

17 Level: Final Boar Body Improvement
Your hunger is insane you can eat more than hole villages of orcs and drink many wells. Over a period of days you become over large size. Your not just Tall Your Really wide. You gain the following attributes:
Emmunity to fire damage
Your Strength and con become 24 regardless of there previous level and modifier and cannot be raised higher.
Enemies and Normal People must make an intimidation save when they lay eyes on you enemys becoming disatvanteged on there first attack against you.

You can cast the spell FireBall trice while raging. Your cast modifier is Dex. You regain all uses upon finishing a long rest.

While raging your memories of cold bloodshed overcomes you, causing you to grow to Huge size. Your Flames become blue and your fire die gets an extra 2d10. Your Brimstone Battering Ram Gets an extra +5 to hit and tusk claw damage gets an extra 2d10 damage die all enemys must make an Intimidation saving throw with disadvantage. This lasts for 4 turns and cant be used again until you finish a long rest. Upon reverting back your still in rage but you take 2d10 damage and cannot attack or move for 1 turn. This cannot drop you below 1hp.

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