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Why he shouldn't be on 20 dollar bill:

1- Indian Removal Policy \(^o^)/
--> Trail of tears
--> “Jackson’s sole major legislative victory in eight years was an 1830 law to “remove” the eastern Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi, something saw today as travesty rather than triumph.” (Lehrman)
--> He seized millions of acres of tribal land for the US
--> Many of his accomplishments involve his supportive actions in taking land away from Indian tribes
2- The closure of the Bank of the United States resulted in a weaker currency \(^o^)/
--> the panic of 1837
-->The Panic of 1837 was a financial crisis in the United States that touched off a major depression, which lasted until the mid-1840s. Profits, prices, and wages went down; unemployment went up, and pessimism abounded. The panic had both domestic and foreign origins.
--> one of the largest economic setbacks in the history of the US
3- His voting rights expansion was only to win a second election - for counter\(^o^)/
-->Bad motives
4- Congress authorized military force for resolving conflicts during his administration \(^o^)/
--> The Force Bill was signed into law on March 1st, 1833, which authorized Presidential use of the military to enforce federal law at the state level. Even Jackson’s former Vice President at the time, John Calhoun, objected to the law.
5- More deserving people are out there \(^o^)/
--> Harriet Tubman
--> ” Recently the Obama administration announced in 2016 that Harriet Tubman would be replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Once President Donald Trump took over shortly after the announcement, the presidential office, this change was delayed and will seemingly not be happening anytime soon .”
( )
6- He is a controversial figure \(^o^)/
-->Many historians even debate about how he should be seen
7- He is mainly remembered for his wrongdoings \(^o^)/
-->Even though there are more good things that he did he is mainly remembered by the bad that he did in contrast to Washington
8- Impeached \(^o^)/
-->He favored quick restoration of the seceded states to the Union without protection for the former slaves. This led to conflict with the Republican-dominated Congress, culminating in his impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1868. He was acquitted in the Senate by one vote.
9- Showed a disregard for the constitution and its restraints \(^o^)/
--> ” While Jackson believed in a strict construction of the Constitution and states' rights, he believed that when the Constitution had delegated power to the federal government, the federal government had to be supreme.”
10- Clearing out the national debt - for counter\(^o^)/

--> He may have cleared out the national debt, but he also required gold and silver sales for government land, which helped to crash the economy.

Good things he did: Only counters were actually used

1- Nullification crisis
--> nullification proclamation
--> his work during this crisis prevented wars from breaking out
--> supported “protective tariff,” an import tax that provided most of the government’s revenue and also aided American manufacturers by raising the price of competing for foreign (mainly British) goods. ” (Lehrman)
2- He was the first self-made wealthy individual to serve in office

3- He expanded voting rights in the US - counter

4- Supported the independence of Texas

5- Founded the democratic party
6- Eliminated national debt - counter \(^o^)/
--> it was the only time in US history where the country was debt-free
--> lasted for exactly one year
--> paid off $58 million in 6 years
7- Helped form the first Eastern treaties for the government
--> Before, all international treaties for trade and commerce were with Europe. After, several treaties with Asian governments were formed
8- internal improvements

9- war hero
10- destroying the bank - counter \(^o^)/
--> he thought the bank would give too much power to only a few rich people
--> it would get the rich richer at the expense of the common man
--> it would only benefit the rich
--> ended up leading to an economic depression
11- strengthening president/executive power

12- representing the common man
Pros/Cons List
Introduction→ Talk about how much of a controversial figure he is
Thesis: Other people would be more deserving of being on the 20 dollar bill. Furthermore, some say he was not that great of a president and is a very controversial figure.

body paragraphs→ Talk about all the negatives/cons of Jackson. List reasons why he shouldn’t be on the 20 dollar bill.

body paragraph(counter-argument)→ His accomplishments were not all that great.

Conclusion→ Restate the thesis: I believe Jackson should be replaced on the 20 dollar bill.

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