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These are dark times...
The world is now in chaos.
There's a virus running rampant and the election is unresolved.

Instead of assurance, there is doubt and dispute in the streets.
There are protests on who's right, why they are they right and what's is right anyway.

Meanwhile, down where one shops, the scene has been getting more... unsettling. Shops have been closing. Stalls set up by honest folk are chased away by the authorities and the police. Preachers and peddlers of rumor and conspiracy on the other hand are running amok. No effort was made to stop them. Those that face the police simply cite their rights and freedoms to resume their trade unharnessed.
Now instead of notes and coins, the currency exchanged are words and trust. The product is distrust and misunderstanding. All of it is fueling the fire and the protests that continue to upend the country.
And all this helps the virus to spread.

The local authorities are powerless to stop any of this. To stop the virus they need to stop the people from gathering. Yet the same people cite their rights and freedoms, saying that those in power should respect them instead. After all, who put them in power first.

Those people protesting in the streets would likely come down with the virus weeks down the line. Some will go to hospital (Likely not; the place is full anyway), some will die and the rest... they will be none the wiser.

As for me, well... I followed my part. I wanted to do my bit. I just wanted to stay away and alive. and Earn a living.

Yet there are those who just want to seek

Those on the street? They are the kind who take time to make fun of me. Nevermind that they are out of work or they lack the credentials to find any.
They called me all sorts of names. Four eyes, round eyes, yellow skin, Nerd, you say it. Just because who I am and how I look.
Then there are the more unkind words: Coward, Chicken, Parasite, Foreigner, Thief.
And then there's the one I hate the most.

All I can do... I run off as others lough on at me...

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Regards; Team

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