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After reading the article, answer the following questions.
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1. What is the difference between moral injury and PTSD? Why is it important to understand the difference between the two? Your answer should be at least one paragraph. Make sure you write in complete sentences and punctuate correctly.

Moral injury is what hurts the soul and/or heart. It can simply mean that something went against what a soldier believed was right such as killing unarmed people or bombing residential areas. When it happens for a long time, soldiers may stop knowing what is generally right and what is wrong. This also leads to a lost of trust. PTSD begins with experiencing the safety of the person or someone loved by them harmed. A bomb killing friends can cause PTSD because they see someone harmed which can cause horrible reflections.
Understanding the two is important because they have big differences. They share many of the same symptoms but moral injury patients often feel discouraged and terrible to come forward with their story because of the personal effect it had on them. It also requires a different form of treatment due to the guilt. The treatment is also tougher because of the nature of the disorder.

2. Choose an interesting quote from the article and explain its meaning and or importance. Your answer should be at least one paragraph.

“Unless we as society can handle the tragic aspects of coming home, then the veterans are going to be the ones forced to carry all the pain.”

Everyone talks about war and how it gives us freedom and the good of it. Every president praises the troops but everyone forgets when they come home. My step mom served in the military and when she returned from her deployment, she had little help from the government and society she protected. People should understand that it can be hard when soldiers come home and that it can be the beginning of a bad situation. Unless people understand the life after serving which can be tough, soldiers are going to be the only ones suffering.

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