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Egyptian Life

Importance of the Nile: It was important because it provided food, water, fertile soil for crop growing, and protection from the other side of the Nile.

Types of homes: Mudbrick

Types of Work: Famers, craftsmen, and scribes.

Define: scribes
Scribes were the only people who could read and write hieroglyphs and hieratic.


Black land vs. Red land:
Black land was fertile and good for growing crops. Red land was a barren desert that protected Egypt on both sides of the Nile.

Define: silt
Sand and earth that are carried in water.

Play the challenge:
(I can't play it because a plug-in is required that I am not going to download.)

Write the correct coordinates of Green feldspar:

Write the coordinates for the workshop in Memphis:

Write the coordinate of the mines in the south-east:

Write the coordinates for electrum:

Write the coordinates for amethysts:

Gods & Goddesses

Read the creation myth story. Who was Oriris and Isis?
Osiris was the king of the earth, and Isis was the queen.

Who was Seth?
The brother of Osiris and Isis. He killed Osiris and became king.

Do the challenge and walk through the museum. What is a sistrum?
A musical instrument.


Define “embalming:”
Preserving dead bodies with natron and oils.

List the steps for embalming the body:
First, the body is brought to ther 'ibu' tent, and washed with palm wine. The internal organs are removed (but not the heart). The body is then stuffed with natron.

After forty days, the body is washed with water from the Nile and covered in oils. The organs are wrapped in linen and returned to the body, and finally, is stuffed with sawdust, leaves, and linen.


What is the importance of Nubia to Egypt?
It had exotic animals, wood, and gold.

What pharaoh fought against Nubia?
Ramesses II


Define: Pharaohs
A ruler(or king)of the upper and lower regions of Egypt.

Define Giza:
A town near Cairo in northern Egypt.

Read the story: Who was King Kurfu?
A Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh.

What is a”vizier?”
The ancient Egypt equivalent of a present day prime minister.


Read the story about temples. What was their purpose?
They were the homes of gods and godesses, and also a place to worship afformentioned gods or goddesses.

What is the most important part of the temple?
The most sacred part of the temple is the Sanctuary.


How long did Egyptian civilization last?
Approximately three thousand years.

Read the story and explain how a water clock worked.
Since there was no sun to look at during the night, a container with a hole in the bottom was filled with water, and as the night went on the water level in relation to the marks inside would indicate the time.


List the different trades:
Metal workers


Define: hieroglyphic
A form of writing (in characters rather than words) used by the ancient Eygptians.

Define scribes:
The only people who could read and write.

Define: papyrus:
A reed. It had numorous and varied uses.

Read the story. What was the purpose of scripts?
To record the language of the Eygptian people and communicate information.
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