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1-Cellular Disintegration, The user can dissolve any sort of organic cells, including plant, bone, or even fertile dirt and dissolve them, destroying them at a cellular or even protein level, allowing them to destroy their targets, either by a specific part or outright disintegration. They can also dissolve viral or germ-like cells from their own body for self-treatment. Users can even overpower all forms of cellular regeneration by disintegrating cells continuously, overwhelming and negating the healing process until there is nothing to regenerate from. Corrosion Inducement, Disintegration, Healing Factor Nullification, Necrosis Inducement and Rot Inducement.
2-Ice Magic, The user is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells and feats through ice. In cold regions or the cold season, the user is capable of utilizing unlimited magical powers unless removed from the cold region or the cold season as passed. Most people who use this power is called an ice wizard/witch. Cold Magic, Esoteric Ice Manipulation (Age Shifting, Cold Immunity, Cryostasis, Cryoportation, Bio-Ice Manipulation, Dark Ice Manipulation, Death Ice Manipulation, Demonic Ice Manipulation, Esoteric Ice Generation, Ice Absorption, Ice Healing, Ice Transmutation, Life Ice Manipulation, Pure Ice Manipulation, Purification, Sacred Ice Manipulation, Spiritual Ice Manipulation, Ultimate Freeze, Winter Manipulation, Cold Weather Manipulation), Ice Manipulation and Spell Casting.
3-Sword Arm, The user has or can transform their arm into a bladed weapon. Arm-Blade Proficiency, Blade Retraction, Razor Hand and Weapon Proficiency.
4-Deconstruction, The user can break down/take apart/deconstruct target partially or completely into its parts or even down into the elements of which it came from, deconstructing it on the molecular level.
5-Osteokinetic Creature Creation, User is able to create beings of bone or shape existing bones into wanted shapes and purposes. They can grant the beings varying levels of independence (controlled, automatons/programmed, semi-independent) and existence (momentary to permanent) and delete the creature once they are done with them.
6-Absolute Stamina, The user possesses limitless physical energy, stamina, and vitality is essentially untiring and can keep working, fighting, mowing, etc. at optimal efficiency under any circumstances and for an unlimited duration. Absolute Endurance (), Enhanced Mental Stamina and Overexertion Immunity.
7-Tattoo Empowerment, User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they are near, come in contact with, or have tattoos, possibly to unlock abilities related to what the tattoo is based on and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from tattoos or even slow or stop aging. Decelerated Aging, Enhanced Condition (Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Regeneration), Metabolization and Self-Power Augmentation.
8-Plant Attacks, The user can release/use plant-matter to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
9-Nether Attacks, The user can release/use nether to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc. (The "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living, and the Dead. Dark Element Attacksm Destruction, Disaster Inducement etc.)
10-Natural Weaponry, The user possesses some form of natural weaponry, including claws, fangs, horns, beaks, clubbed tails, etc., and knows how to use them. Bone Spike Protrusion, Claw Retraction, Enhanced Bite, Nail Manipulation and Prehensile (Arm Parts, Feet, Head, Legs, Tounge, Torso).
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