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hello my name is jonathan and i am from california

I am the youngest of 5 siblings, i have 2 brothers and 2 sisters

I have both my parents

Jesus gave me my family

As well as my home

He also saved my life - from overdosing in 2015 & 2016.

I used to be a bit of a drug lord, believe it or not.

Used to go to raves about once a month, and bigger music festivals with me friends

Yet Jesus saved me both times,

I believe I am equally a sinner as anyone.

However I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that he cleanses me of all unrighteousness by his Blood that he shed on the Cross.

I believe in Yahweh, Papa, the I AM, the Most High

I believe I am a Son

I believe I will abide in the Lord's Commands

I would like to make an active effort to loving people as I love myself

And learning on a deeper level - of how to love the Lord my God with all my Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength...

I would like to earn enough money to give it all away

I would like to store treasures in heaven that will not perish

I would like to make lovely memories with both my wife and my family and the body of Christ

One day I believe Jesus will take me to home, his dwelling, Zion, the dwelling of his Father

I believe God will be mad at me for not putting my hand to the plow...

Father please show me how to apply my hand, like when I was painting my bathroom

I need counsel on how to tend your lambs,

Or perhaps some words of encouragement to feed your sheep

Papa like you placed Jacob into the field, please make use of me and the talent in which you have given me

Please love me God like I love the dog you gave me

Please allow me to love my Lola in her last days as well as my mother and my father

I would like to start working again and to get into the jist of things,

Should I begin to sell things on amazon again?

Father how do you want me to spend my time??

Jesus should I have a relationship with the people of ICC?

Lord I would like to wisdom to understand trust, and not only that...I would like to be able to teach it, to speak of it clearly, confidently, accurately, truthfully

Please give me elderly counsel papa

Please speak to me with your Word, allow me to understand, to cherish it in my heart and my mind, I ask in Jesus name please allow me to bloom in this disiduous season . . .

Please don't allow my leaves to wither papa,

Please prune me that I may bear more fruit

God when I speak to you, I feel as though you understand me

And i feel like I am not a failure

I feel as though I can trust you

That you wont cast me out into darkness

Because I believe in your Son

Father, I feel as though I am growing amongst weeds

Papa, please feed me with the nourishment to heal my spirit and my mind, my vigor,

Please kiss me with a holy kiss papa,

Please feed me, please continue to water me,

Please allow me to bear fruit God that will abide

Father I testify of your grace and your mercy, by your act of sending your Son Jesus on the cross.

Father lead me into the way of everlasting,

Please teach me how to control my urges, to manage them
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Regards; Team

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