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golsar: golsar snorted, his head bowed down to his paws. starring blankly. it wasn't like he really had much to do, as he had originally came to this big isolated beach with what he thought, no one else there, or no one else that had even known about this place. he felt safe, not being bothered by anyone. it wasn't before long when that same weird feeling came back to him. lungs pulsing, begging for air. his eyes would widen as he started to panic, this time actually hearing the very distant sound of another animal walking on the same ground he was on. his heart started to beat rapidly. it was like his heart was on the verge of exploding right out of his chest. his body became more and more tense, still staring at the ground before him, not blinking once as if blinking would give him away. his breathing became moderately heavier, just thinking about what could've been lurking around just right behind him. the worst part was, he couldn't see who or what was behind him. all he could do was try and use his ears to his best advantage and try to listen, and try to imagine what was behind him just based off of the sounds he could barely make out.. which would also cause more fear, due to the fact his imagination is going wild right now, thinking the worst that might happen. it was like time froze all together. the sun... the wind.. birds singing in the distance, crickets chirping under the grass. everything other than those sounds that gradually got closer and closer. what are they? a wolf? a bear? whatever it was it seemed like they wanted nothing but bad news.

stayed put, still in the same position as before. back hunched. that rigid spine poking out of his back.
it wasn't before long when a small rodent scurried out of a bush, breaking the almost forever lasting silence.
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