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Development of artistic responses do well in addressing possibilities for staging. Stay consistent in your explanation of possibilities as it relates to audience resonances. This is where your explanations are strongest.

With your live theatre experience, be sure to develop the resonances of the artistic choices you are observing. You do well in identifying a specific moment from the performances, but need to develop the aspects of TEAM and how you see the choices impacting the audience.

There may be able to be a little more development of your overall intentions and clarifying the theme you want to impress upon the audience for Criterion C. You address this briefly in the first part of the section, but opportunity for further elaboration exists as it relates to justifying approaches to staging.

When developing your moments, make sure they are rooted in clear intentions and explicitly detail how the aspects of TEAM fit within your overall intentions to the staging of the moments.

There is an opportunity to subsection of clarify the organization of Criterion D through more specific paragraphs and topics sentence or subsection titles.

The development of Moment 2 is stronger than that of the first. Do your best to keep these on balance.
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