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Here in Tunisia, each town is known for something specific, it might be a tradition, food, or natural resources.
My hometown is Kasserine, exactly Tala.
Tala is known for producing the highest quality of marble, it has many mountains from which they extract gigantic stones then produce it in marble.
It is supposed to be a great financial resource for Tala and Tunisia. But actually, it's the opposite, the only beneficiaries are those who have marble factories because they export huge amounts of marble without paying taxes or help to the city.
And the biggest problem is that their factories, are so close to the populations, and it spread a lot of dust that puts them in great danger.
As it leaves plenty of marble tableware that could be used in decorating our hospitals or homes, but transforming it needs specific machines that cost a lot of money and they can not afford it because the Tunisian dinar is cheap comparing to other currencies.
My father is one of the workers in these factories, and he told me a lot about his work, and how hard it is, extracting the stones from mountains needs a lot of efforts and a lot of money.
they also complain about the lack of workers, and more precisely youth workers that refuse to learn the craftsmanship.
The habitants are not fully, aware of the true disease, so they haven't tried to defend their rights or even think about it. They only make some protests about the dust that pollutes the air and disturbs them.
in fact, the enormous quantities of marble dishes are almost uncountable, using it could build the largest municipal theatre in the world. And of course, it well attracts tourists and opens the door for the youth talents hence to huge financial incomes and profits that could be exploited to build hospitals, public libraries, and factories to cut the number of unemployed and to reduce poverty, but as I said, there are no machines
So if I was the mayor of my hometown, I'd try my best to convince people of this idea.
The first step is to meet with the local council, which includes a group of managers, the local authority president, and directors to draft the agreed minutes of the meeting. then, making a speech in a meeting with citizens, within the framework of participatory democracy
I'll organize mandatory awareness-raising sessions, that could help me convince them because after all, they must be able to protect the town, By agreeing to impose laws on factory owners, such as afforestation after overexploiting the mountains. If not, they will pay for the environmental attack, tax them, and automatically deprive them of another operating contract. Because they don't have the right to exploit the mountain then leave it Full of potholes.
so we must all work together to stand up for the safety and beauty of our city by planting trees and prohibiting environmental abuse and pollution. Our environment is priceless, we have to value, and take care of it
We need help from the government that should supply the machinery by using the money of taxes,
However, I must be brave enough to make such an important speech, In front of those people, and talk publicly about it, they can ignore me or reject my ideas.
so this is what I want to learn from going to the United States.
because as I heard from the alumni, ill get the chance to experience several actions and participate in a variety of cultural activities, make new adventures, set new goals, and participate in community services at a local organization.
Taking courses either for leadership or for communication could give me the chance to learn the art of convincing people and speaking in public, to discuss the problem and make the right decision,. I might face some troubles, but the confidence and the determination that I'm going to improve can help me control my stress and accept different opinions to realize the wanted goal.
I want to be familiar with the American systems and to compare the reality with what our teachers taught us.
ill make a lot of foreign friends and surround my self with the helpful category of people so I can convince them to visit our country to try its traditional clothes and taste its food especially our famous Kouskous.
I can be a reason for attracting tourists to raise the value of Tunisian currency.
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