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Plot summary draft 1 for VG:  
Prologue: A world united under one kingdom. At the peak of their power, King Deimos and his army (The Order of The Seraph) conquer The Below (Pretty much Hell). The world has reached a period of prosperity, peace, and power. Upon conquering The Below, Deimos and his men began making scientific breakthroughs...

Intro: Protagonist wakes up in a monastery of sorts. *Talk to the other monks for background info as you do your assigned tasks*. *Meet the master, he gives you lore on the world: Zyrqe (Pretty much Earth), The Below (again, this is Hell), and The Above (You guessed it! This is pretty much Heaven).* He tells you tomorrow is the promotion ceremony, where new masters are appointed and spread across the globe to spread their religion (pretty much nomads). Wake up the next morning to find the monastery empty. Go to the plaza for the ceremony. The Master holds up the Holy Grail (yeah, it actually exists) as he prays in a different language, and finally asks for a blessing. As you, and the other monks kneel before him, he goes down the line and marks you with the content of the Grail. The ceremony is suddenly disturbed (hear an explosion). Before the master reaches you, he is pierced by a spear (and lodged into the wall). His last words to you are "run", as he hands you the grail. You and the other monks flee. (Insert task of helping other monks escape (those who were trapped under debris and such). You're the last one out, and as you exit the building, the three generals of the Order of The Seraph stop you. They demand the grail or your life (Multiple choice but not really since not handing over the Grail initiates a battle you can't win, lol). Upon handing over the Grail, you are knocked out, and left unconscious.
Act 1: TBA
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