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If you are a smug Democrat or leftist coming here to see how "stupid" we are...
Trump is trying to encourage peace in the world. He's making moves to end the wars we are in.

Democrats have brought the violence here to our streets. They are failing to condemn it and normalizing the idea that even more will happen if they don't get what they want.

You tell us Black Lives Matter is just about better police treatment of black people.

Trump doesn't control the police, so why were people trying to storm the White House?

It's just about "unfair treatment".

Why do you all ignore the ACTUAL justice reform that Trump signed?

You think we care nothing about people's lives.

But you don't say anything about states that passed bills making it legal to abort a child literally as it's being born.

You think we are selfish for wanting to go to church.

How many crowded funerals did George Floyd get, again?

You chose Biden and try to sell him as a reasonable centrist.

We know that he may have been that 20 years ago, but he's changed his agenda to be far more "progressive."

You call us fear-mongers when we point out that the Democrats have gone a lot further left.

Bernie and AOC have both said that the far left side of the Democrat party will be able to move Biden even FURTHER left.

You tell us we're "selfish, greedy bastards."

Republicans give more than Democrats do to charity, and do so at all levels of income.

You say that Trump is going to have roaming bands of Nazi brownshirts on the streets terrorizing people.

You are now gathering to harass diners trying to eat meals outside...demanding they raise their fists, political figures trying to have dinner are being accosted, conservative journalists have had to move from their homes, you are shouting death threats outside the Senate Majority leader's house and now BLM apparently has a group targeting racist "citizens" to show up at their homes...

You say that WE are "in a cult".

You have most major media giving you talking points that you agree with and you discuss how you've had to cut actual family and friends out of your life because they like "Mango Mussolini".

You say that you are the ones who love minorities.

The vitriol that you express towards any member of a minority group that champions conservative beliefs is testimony that you do not.

You say that taking our kids to church is child abuse because they are impressionable.

But when kids are taken to riots by antifa parents and tear gas is deployed, it's the cops' fault for endangering the kids.

You say that you love America.

You voted for a dude that wanted it fundamentally say that "it was never great" and some of you are openly wanting a socialist state and you are burning American flags in the streets now.

Teachers are concerned that "conservative parents" might overhear the lessons they are teaching our kids.

You think they have a right to be scared of the parents who are paying their salaries.

You snidely said, "All buildings matter" on 9/11.

BLM Riots Are Officially the Most Costly Man made Damage to American Property in History

You think you are the ones who understand civics.

You still insist that Hillary really won the 2016 election.

You used to deny being socialists.

Now you often try to make self-posts here asking us, "What's wrong with having socialism?"

You think that kids making MAGA videos is wrong and exploitative.

But at the same age it's okay for other kids to do dancing in drag at strip clubs.

You say that we need to have tough conversations about controversial issues.

But if we have those conversations, you demand that we agree with you or we are accused of engaging in hateful speech.

You demand that subreddits that seem to encourage violence and are conservative be "shut down".

You defend subreddits that advocate violence from the side that is currently PERPETRATING violence in the streets.

You complained when re open protests had armed people at them.

A member of a black militia actually opened fire accidentally at a BLM protest and shot three comrades in Louisville. We never hear about it.

You think we're poorly informed due to the terrible media we consume.

You still don't know the true story of what happened to the Covington kids in DC and you still want Nick Sandmann to suffer for that hate-smirk.

You think that Russia somehow nefariously influenced the last election via social media.

But you never question who might be behind your favorite left-wing social media sites and posts.

Trump has increased troop pay, improved military readiness, invested in support and worked for REAL reform for a VA long beleaguered by problems.

You tried to float the idea that Trump hates the troops.

When people say that they are scared to put up a sign supporting the President, many of you say, "Good... you should be scared."

You demand your right to espouse WHATEVER political beliefs you want to, even if you are a commie who wants gulags and if we object, it's McCarthyism.

You said it was grossly offensive, horrible, awful and racist to blame the virus on China.

But every day you slog on trying to blame the virus on Trump.

You complain at how the virus is decimating the economy.

But you don't care that the House won't get together with the Senate to cooperate on a Covid relief bill.

You think it's too dangerous to vote in person.

But you think these protests just have to happen because the cause is too important.

You berate conservatives when you see them posting on other subreddits.

But you get mad when you come here to berate us and you get banned for it.

You think that white people are clueless and pretty racist and generally kinda bad and responsible for most of the suffering in the world.

But you want us to adopt the Nordic model of healthcare.

You are LGBTQ+ - supportive!

... but when 45% of gay men say that they are backing Trump...SUDDENLY they are "immoral."

You've spent years blaming anti-vaxx on "the right."

But when Biden and Harris suggested that they wouldn't trust a Covid 19 vaccine because Trump is President, you were silent. They lied, people died?

You keep insisting that the USA is the worst nation at dealing with Covid...

Per population, seven other countries have done "worse"...they are Belgium, the UK, Spain, Peru, Italy, Sweden and Chile.

You seem to oppose any measure that would make our vote more secure and less prone to fraud. You insist that fraud doesn't happen.

But you are yelling that somehow Republicans are going to steal the election via some nebulous voter fraud.

It's called "redistricting" when you Democrats make voting districts. You say that it's fixing longstanding problems of representation in populations.

If the Republicans do the same you scream that it's "gerrymandering that is ruining democracy."

You think that our only objections to Obama were mustard and that tan suit. And only because we are racist.

IRS scandal, unconstitutional DACA, health reform disaster, Fast and Furious, disappearing stimulus money, spying on journalists and persecuting Fox, Iran pallets of cash, incoherent Middle East name a few...

You suddenly think you need guns because Trump is "worse than Hitler" and you might need to protect yourself from the government.

You are going to vote for a man who just tweeted that he's going to take the guns.

You think it's cute that Joe Biden played "Despacito" on his phone to win over Latino voters.

Latino voters know that the lyrics to that song are:


I want to breathe in your neck slowly

Let me murmur things in your ear

So that you remember if you’re not with me


I want to undress you in kisses slowly

Firmly in the walls of your labyrinth

And of your body, I want to create a manuscript

Mostly folks, you know ... we've NOTICED.
We have noticed these things.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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