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A man who is a rich merchant has 3 daughters. His youngest daughter's name is Beauty. She is lovely and nice person. But his other two daughters are so jealous and selfish.
One day, the merchant's ships sink. He has got only his house. But one more days later, he learns to his one ship on the port. He decides to go to the port for see his ship. But first he goes to his daughters and say:
~I should go to port to see my ship. I'm coming back with presents for you. What do you want?
~Expensive clothes and jewelries!
Say selfish two sisters.
~I just want a rose. It's enough for me.
Says Beauty.
One more days later, he is coming back his home without money or presents. In the evening, the merchant arrives woods. There is dark, cold and horrible at night. The wolves are howling.
He sees a wonderful palace in the woods. He is surprised because the palace has so many lightning but no one is in there.
~Helloo! Is there anybody in there?
Literally no one is in the palace. He decides to eat that meals on the table. Then he sleeps on the bed.
In the morning he finds new clothes for him and a great breakfast on the table.
~This palace belongs to a good-hearted fairy. I wish I can thank to her.
When he is leaving the palace he sees roses in the garden.
~At least I come back home with a rose for Beauty.
He takes one of these roses. But a very ugly beast screams behind the bushes.
~How an ungrateful man! I save your life, I feed you, wear you! But what are you doing? You are stealing my roses! I am killing you!
~I'm taking it for one of my daughter!
~Go and ask your daughters. Does one of them live me for your life? If they refuse it, you are killing in 3 months.


In the morning the merchant leaves from forest, and rides his horse to the home sadly. There are two selfish sisters at home and they aren't afraid of what their father tells them. Conversely they angry about their daddies doesn't buy the jewel. But Beauty isn't angry about that, Beauty is very sorry for her daddy. Beauty says: "Dad, let me go," without hesitation.

Sisters say "of course you are going because your fault."

Beauty and her father go to the castle after 3 months. Everything is the same as 3 months ago: again nobody around, dinner is ready. when they are finishing the dinner, beast is comes out. Beauty trembles like a leaf with fear, because the Beast is as terrible as his daddy told him. Even more terrible!

Beast asks: "Are you coming here of your own accord?"
Beauty only says: "yes"

"In the morning your dad leaves and never comes back here",
In the morning, Beauty remains alone. Cries a little first but she remembers her dream and relaxes a little. in her dream, a fairy says: "Don't worry, Saving your daddy's life doesn't go unpaid".

"Maybe I get used to this life" she thinks. She gets a little happy.
she walks in the garden and gets sad when she sees the roses. After that she wanders the castle. She sees her name on the room door and she is very surprised. She opens the door and sees the room. This room likes be beauty wants, this room full of books and musical instruments.

She thinks: "The beast is tries to relaxed to me so I suppose he doesn't hurt to me". After that she takes a book. Above the book with gilding: "My dear queen, your wants are order to me"

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