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In my personal opinion I feel like women do not have the same rights as men. There is just not denying this, this is basically a fact see women are capable of doing almost anything men can do im saying "almost" because in physical ability men are proven to be stronger and faster then women but just because they are not strong physically does not mean they should be treated with less rights.

Some of the greatest inventions came from women wich just shows that they are as talented men for example life boats,invisible glass (glass that is used for telescopes) , Kevlar ( a filber 5x stronger then steel), wireless network are all inventions from women! they are capable as men or even more they should not be treated like less capable that is just ignorant

the only reason why I am even writing about this is because allot of people don't think what im saying even matters it is mens fault for making everyone believe that women are less capable, and im not saying all men are bad some like me understand this and know that women are to be treated like any human being but for those who don't you are just dense, women will keep surprising those who think they are uncapable of such things as they should.

in conclusion women deserve to be paid the same as men, deserve to be treated the same as men and most of all they deserve equality in anything and everything no question. women will keep proving that they are capable there is no stopping it. I hope one day women will automatically be viewed as equal and men to not have to be taught on why they need to be viewed as equal.

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