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[11:41:43] << hey
[11:41:55] << you here
[11:42:49] >> I wont fight with you
[11:47:33] << idc i dont want to fight u but i need you to leave my teamates alone idc whatever dramea it is leave it alone and ignore viper stop being trigger when something happens or hearing in chat and who ever friends u are un our sever we will take out and if u keep dong this ill get the mod to kivk u out if the game
[11:48:11] >> First of all, i didnt get any friend to your Discord
[11:48:18] >> Second, im not doing anything
[11:49:20] >> I just told Kamyu that she should told the story how it is and stop paiting me as the bad guy when i have proof of all what i said. I have the evidence of Super calling Ariyanna babe and she went mad "when you started calling me like that?"
[11:49:47] >> Also i haven message Kamyu again
[11:49:53] >> You can ask her
[11:50:11] >> Was just that message that you read, i know she copied in the group, i wrote it with that in mind
[11:54:03] << idc about that i need u to leave my ppl alone and whatever speed said just a word let it go if osh is mad at himlet her its not ur bunies and stop ignore viper msg in chat and ik it was in the past but dont harass ppljust move on from this
[11:54:54] >> Dude
[11:54:57] >> I dont harrass people
[11:55:01] >> Get that in mind
[11:55:10] >> You know when i messaged Kamyu last time? October
[11:55:23] >> I found out that she said things about me and i message her today, just that
[11:55:28] >> I dont care about her
[11:55:43] << if u didnt care why msg her
[11:55:56] >> I dont care about her
[11:56:11] >> I just dont like lies about me
[11:56:11] << cleearly u care since u msg her
[11:56:17] >> No
[11:56:24] >> The thing i didnt like was about me
[11:56:28] >> She talked about me
[11:56:40] >> I dont care if she plays with your team
[11:56:52] >> I just dont like people saying "hey, that guy is a ****"
[11:56:59] << so you could ignore it and move on
[11:57:47] >> I will ignore her now, but she shouldnt act that way
[12:00:04] << its there opinion if u cant handle it move somewhere else and its her word we dont control her and u shouldnt either if she call me somthing idc ill move on same goes for who else is on my team or whatever
[12:01:02] << im not trying to fight u ivebeeen ignoing this for awhile but now getting annoying so just move on
[12:01:10] >> I know i cant change her mind, but at least i wanted to explain that she did wrong
[12:01:11] << and ignore viper msg
[12:01:45] >> Even another mod got surprised about the chat saying that Kamyu always gets everything as drama and stalking
[12:01:57] >> She got viper msg in the chat public like a drama
[12:02:02] >> Proving more my point
[12:04:22] << idc and i highly doubt kaymu started aything im telling u to move on from this
[12:05:06] << send me this thign on my discord so i can see then
[12:06:26] >> What exactly i will send you?
[12:06:39] >> No, i dont want to expose that friend, i dont have that trust in you
[12:06:44] >> Sorry man
[12:07:00] >> But i can tell you that SuperSpeed did called "babe" Ariyanna
[12:07:02] >> And you can ask her
[12:09:06] << why does that matter
[12:09:37] >> Kamyu thinks im the stalker when she hang outs with a guy who is just like that
[12:09:48] >> I know that Super was trying to flirt her
[12:09:53] >> But when she said is married
[12:10:18] >> He inmeditately regret it
[12:10:26] << all im asking is u to move on and if u have a problem with us come to me or msg my discord
[12:11:08] << im pretty sure speed was joking if that happen and its a saying in other states and osh took it the wrong way
[12:11:58] >> No, he doesnt
[12:12:20] >> Another female friend i have also message me telling me that Super called her "babe" for no reason
[12:12:24] >> There goes 2
[12:12:49] << do u have proff or a ss of that
[12:14:06] >> Yes and the best proof is of course the girl
[12:14:18] << let me see it
[12:15:07] >> I have to search the SS and even if found it, i dont want to expose the name of the girl because she is important for me and i dont want you to message her
[12:15:20] >> You actually have played with her before and she is stronger than you btw
[12:15:27] >> But well, enough
[12:15:43] >> I want to duel with a friend right now
[12:20:17] << you know u can edit it and send it i wouldnt know and idc if the person stronger then me its a game
[12:21:29] >> I know you wont believe me but i dont remember the name of the file, i keep saving so much stuff and i dont find it. Was in a ranked duel, a singles, and happened in october
[12:21:32] << if u have the ss u would send it to me if not then ur just lying and bsing
[12:21:56] << then look for it and show me
[12:22:21] >> Ok i will say the name of the girl, but you have to promise me that you wont post this on the chat
[12:22:25] >> Because i swear
[12:22:36] << bc if it thay imponet then u would show mw ight
[12:22:37] >> That if you involve her, when she is having problems right now
[12:22:39] << right
[12:22:43] >> I will make a mod ban you as well
[12:22:49] >> I have friend mods as well
[12:22:57] >> Promise me
[12:23:12] << yeah promise
[12:23:34] >> And what happens if you break the promise?
[12:24:07] >> Angela, she told me everything about SuperSpeed and she sent me in october a message of him saying to her "babe
[12:24:10] << i wont break it
[12:24:34] >> Angela doesnt exist for you? I dont think so
[12:26:19] << im 99% sure speed was joking
[12:26:31] << and just over blwoing this
[12:26:37] << blowing
[12:26:44] >> 2 times?
[12:26:45] >> Dude
[12:27:05] >> I dont think its "fun" that a random guy is flirting with you
[12:27:09] >> In a game
[12:27:12] >> Also
[12:27:22] >> Angela is way younger than Super and he knows it
[12:27:28] >> That makes it more disgusting
[12:27:50] >> SuperSpedo
[12:28:07] << did he drict msg her or in the game
[12:28:25] >> In game
[12:28:29] >> But also
[12:28:38] >> The best proof and i forgot it
[12:28:45] >> Do you remember when you added me in the chat?
[12:28:53] >> Super thought that i was a girl
[12:28:59] >> And he said he liked me
[12:29:11] >> Do you remember? I told you i didnt want to break his heart
[12:29:27] >> He even confessed in the chat that he thought i was a girl
[12:30:49] << then doesnt help its a joke jr said to her and so he didnt know it was a mistake bc u didint want to rvel ur idenity which i understand but u mislead them so
[12:31:17] >> I never talked to much to Super
[12:31:23] >> he was obsessed with me
[12:31:29] >> Keeping sending me messages
[12:31:34] >> I remember all that stuff
[12:31:38] >> And you can ask him
[12:31:44] >> "Jokes jokes jokes"
[12:31:55] >> Bro, i dont think he is joing every word he says
[12:33:40] << ill go over it with him just for now leave my team alone and u move on again if u have a problem come to me
[12:34:03] >> But you dont do anything xD
[12:34:19] >> I can bet that even if one your friends threatens me you wont care
[12:34:33] >> Like saying"im going to search for you and kill you" or similars
[12:36:52] << i take this very serious and take any action to do everything i can and if it came to that iw ould hjave to mute or banned them
[12:38:04] >> I cant believe that, you keep saying that everything i say is a lie, when i already told you that if you ask some people that i mentioning you, you will get a clear answer that yeah, he did said that to them
[12:38:07] << just telling u to leave us be and well leave u be
[12:38:11] >> And no, i dont think he was joking
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