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Izuku Midoriya (Deku)'s P.O.V

It was the middle of class when Aizawa Sensei had to stop the lesson after a knock at the door was heard, he went outside and closed the door, when he did people started talking I stayed silent since I didn't really have anyone to talk to, Sero was talking to Kirishima, Kacchan wasn't really fond of me, Mineta who sat behind me got expelled a few days ago, Jiro was talking to Kaminari and Tokoyami wasn't exactly the kind of person to socialize. A few minutes later Aizawa Sensei came back with someone, a girl, she was wearing a UA uniform, but UA never allowed new students to join later than the others. Aizawa Sensei pointed to the seat behind me and she went and sat down, she had long brown hair that reached her knees, it faded to a light pink, and her eyes were also light pink, she sat behind me and didn't say anything throughout the rest of the class, the bell rang and it was finally time to eat, Uraraka went to talk to the new student behind me, "Hey! You're new right! I'm Ochaco Uraraka! What about you?" the first time I saw her she seemed pretty emotionless but out of nowhere she suddenly seemed lively... "I'm Shizuka Suzuki! I'm glad I could at least talk with you! I was worried no one would approach me..." Uraraka then turned to me "Oh- Deku! Hey!" I waved and greeted her, she asked if we wanted to eat lunch together and me and Suzuki both accepted.

We had found a table, and Iida and Asui had asked to join us. "Well of course! It isn't a problem right guys?" Uraraka seemed exited to have more people around "The more the merrier!" Suzuki responded, we all had introductions and Asui told us to address her as 'Tsu' seems she was more fond of her nickname, we all talked and the subject of 'quirk' came up. "Oh- my quirk! Gravity Zero! I can make things float if I touch them with my finger tips! What about you?" "Ribbit. My quirk's called 'Frog', I can do what frogs can basically." "My quirk is 'Engine', it increases my speed which would give me an advantage over slower opponents and opponents with slow reflexes." I realized it was my turn to speak "Oh- uhm... my quirk just... it just enhances my physical abilities, like making me stronger basically..." "So super strength? Cool! What about you Suzuki?" Uraraka turned to her, "Oh! My quirk is called 'Imitation', if I drink a drop of blood from someone I can transform into them and I can then use their quirk, it could be anyone really, and whatever I do as them, or with their quirk won't affect them, and if I get hurt while I'm in their form, they'll still be alright and I'll end up being the one that takes damage! I can also take the form of animals with a drop of their blood! And when I drink the blood I can turn into them any time, it's not a one time thing really." Tsu then spoke up "That's cool. Ribbit. You can impersonate villains and gather information about them which can help you defeat them. Ribbit." Iida then also complimented her quirk, honestly it was cool, it would work for both villains and heroes. We all talked and throughout lunch and the other classes. At the end of the day everything was normal, we said our goodbyes and parted our ways. Though when we left I noticed something... Suzuki stayed behind at the school gate like she was waiting for someone... I just ignored it and left, but at the last moment when I turned my head I think I saw All Might go up to her.

Shizuka Suzuki P.O.V

News had gotten out that All Might was here and when I tried to get in UA through the gates, the place was surrounded with people wanting to see All Might, I took the form of my friend and used the invisibility quirk, then I pushed through the crowd, and somehow actually got through. In class Aizawa Sensei said we needed a class rep, everyone wanted to take the role, though I really didn't care, Iida then said we should do an election, Midoriya ended up being the class rep and Yaoyorozu was deputy, I really didn't care as long as we got through class, which we did, then came lunch, as usual I sat with Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida, that same day we found out that Iida's elder brother was Ingenium, I was kinda shocked, Midoriya mentioned the practical exam when suddenly the alarm cut him off, apparently there was intruders, everyone was evacuating and it was hard to get past people, I lost Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida in the crowd, so now I was on my own, suddenly I felt something grab my arm, and pull me out of the crowd, it was some guy with half red and half white hair, that's as much as I could see when we pulled me out of the crowd, "You alright?" "Yeah, but we have to get everyone to calm down!" I looked behind me out the window, "Is that-" "The press." he said it so bluntly, and he looked almost emotionless, I kinda recognized him from class but had no idea who he was, probably one of the quiet kids, suddenly Iida floated up above a stop sign and told everyone that it was just the press outside, finally they all calmed down and the police came. After that, in class Midoriya announced that Iida should be the class rep.

It was then announced we'd do rescue training in USJ, we all got on the bus and people started talking about random things until the subject of quirks came up, Tsu mentioned that Midoriya's quirk is a lot like All Might's quirk, I was trying to stay calm but if anyone found out about it, it wouldn't be great, thankfully Kirishima pointed out how Midoriya pretty much hurts himself after using his quirk, almost every time, Aoyama in our class then praised himself for his quirk, and Ashido probably brought his self esteem down to 0 after her response to it... then I heard something that caught me off guard "Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo." "Sure but Bakugo's always angry, so he'll never be that popular." it was pretty hard to hold in my laughter, Tsu had a point, he's always yelling, then Kaminari and Bakugo started arguing until Aizawa Sensei announced out arrival to USJ. When we got there Thirteen greeted us, he wasn't my favorite hero, but it sure was cool we got to see other pro heroes! Thirteen explained that out quirks can be dangerous after he told us about USJ, we were about to get started, when suddenly a black hole appeared, and villains showed up, I had my guard up and was ready to attack if anything, though inside I was terrified, I had no idea how villains got here. Classmates started asking questions, if the entire place was under attacked, why aren't the alarms going off? Todoroki made a point saying they probably thought this out and had a plan already in action, but that just scared me more, Aizawa Sensei was ready to fight the villains and Thirteen was clearly protecting us, and trying to get us to contact the school somehow. Aizawa Sensei ran towards the villains, he was able to hit most of them and he kept fighting as we ran towards the exit, though part of me knew these villains wouldn't go without a fight...a villain appeared in front of us and announce that they were the 'League Of Villains', Thirteen was getting ready to attack when suddenly Bakugo and Kirishima rushed towards the villain, a huge explosion went off, there was a smoke, though when it cleared a bit, if you looked closely you could see the villain, how was he still fine? There wasn't a single scratch on him! A dark shadow surrounded all of us.

I think I was knocked out, since by the time I woke up Todoroki was talking to the villains and they were all covered in ice, "So the plan was to scatter us and then kill us, you were unprepared, in fact it looks to me like you've had no training, you don't haven't the slightest, idea on how to use your quirks." I got up and the villains complained about being frozen. "Todoroki..." He just kept walking, I heard yelling and realized someone was attacking from behind, I took the form of my sister, turned into a dragon, and hit the villain with my tail, they easily fell to the ground and dropped their weapons, Todoroki turned back around and I turned back into my sister and back into me, if I had used fire it would melt the ice Todoroki had used to keep these villains in place, and a dragon's tail is pretty useful, not to mention getting hit by one can really hurt, I think the villain was knocked out. I heard a villain say something "Another one! They're crazy!" Todoroki simply turned back to the villains and I did the same, he told them they'd die if they stay frozen, he then threatened them to talk about their plan to kill All Might, I kept on a straight face, but in reality, I was absolutely terrified... I knew this guy was scary but he'd seriously go as far as leaving the villains to die? They told us their plan and we started walking back "You don't think they'll actually... KILL, All Might... right?" he didn't respond with anything, just kept walking, then so bluntly said "It's not impossible... but I doubt they'd succeed." suddenly the door was broken down and All Might was here. Everyone was so glad, but I hated this, the villains Todoroki took out were only a few, if we got separated there had to be more to fight against my other classmates, meaning he might not stand a chance against all of them, especially that guy that teleported us to different places... he looked like he'd cause trouble.

We could now see the fight clearly, All Might was fighting one of the villains, people smiled without fear, but being a hero takes time, just because he showed up doesn't mean anything, he could still be killed, like Todoroki said, it wasn't impossible... today I heard he fought... a lot... he probably reached his limit and more fighting will just force him to go past it... I didn't know if Midoriya knew this, but if he did that makes both of us, and pretty much all of the staff... they knew he was at his limit so why force him to go past it?! After the smoke cleared there was some kind of portal, the villain was hurting All Might, it was clear enough, I couldn't help but cry as much as I tried to hold it in, Todoroki clearly noticed and tried to tell me All Might would surely win, but it wasn't clear, everything was silenced, I ran, I ran fast and far towards All Might, Todoroki froze the path behind me and ice covered my legs, I had to do something, "Are you crazy? That's to dangerous, if you get involved you'll be killed-" "I have to do something! He's going to die!" I then saw Midoriya run towards him, he had an advantage, he had One For All, but he was still in training, if All Might couldn't do it, then Midoriya was sure to fail, I took the form of my mother and looked Todoroki in the eye, then used fire to melt the ice, took the form of my friend and used invisibility, he tried using ice, but after I used invisibility, I was nowhere to be found, when I got close the the scene there was an explosion, it was Bakugo, Todoroki then froze the villain holding onto All Might, I took back my original form and I was visible again, Todoroki then went to where I was and whispered "I told you not to interfere." he then walked closer to the villain and told him about how he was told they were trying to kill All Might, All Might loosened the grip of the villain and easily got out of there, he was bleeding, Kirishima tried to attack that other villain but he backed away, I went to were All Might was and in a low voice I said "You're going past your limit! This is too dangerous!" there was now us 5 students, with one hero on our side, against these villains, yes, 5, you heard that right, I'm not planning to go down without a fight!

Bakugo was holding down that creepy dude that seems to be the one the manages the portal, the villain that attacked All Might is still held up by Todoroki's ice, Bakugo was attempting to intimidate the villain he was holding down, the villain Todoroki froze started moving and got out of the ice, then it regrew it's limbs, "I thought you said it's power was shock absorption!" what the villain responded terrified me. "I didn't say that was it's only quirk." Everything was silenced for a second, if he had two quirks... there was a possibility, that... that All Might could die... all I heard after that was "Get him Nomu", my eyes widened and the villain went towards Bakugo, I suddenly took the form of my friend using my invisibility quirk to pull Bakugo out of that situation, not even a scratch landed on us, my friend was fast, so taking the form of her was the best move I could use, she used to race often, don't know what happened after, I was of course way slower than the villain but fast enough to get out of there with Bakugo, and keep us both safe, so no one got hurt, "Kacchan?!" I heard yelling, "Kacchan! Woah you dodged him?!" I then heard Todoroki say "He didn't." I turned back to Bakugo and simply said "You're welcome." All Might ran in my direction "Shizuka! That was extremely dangerous!" sadly I let anger get the best of me. "Oh I'm sorry, I'll let him die next time." All Might looked back at the villain "These are children! You didn't even hold back!" "I had no choice. He was threatening my companion. Besides these kids are no angels! The plain-looking one. He tried to kill me with a maxed-out punch! What kind of hero does something like that? You think you can be as violent as you want if you just say it's for the sake of others! Well you know what All Might? That pisses me off! Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic while others are villainous? You think you're the symbol of peace? You're just another government sponsored instrument of violence! And violence, always breeds more violence! I'll make sure the world understands that, once you're DEAD!" "You're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you, you always try and make your actions sound noble, but admit it, you're only doing this, because you like it! Isn't that right!?" Whatever happens, we had to fight, "We've got them outnumbered" "And Kacchan found the mist guy's weakness." I also said something of my own "We also know that guy's quirks, we can use that to our advantage." Kirishima simply added, "Let's do this!"

All Might told us to get out of there, Todoroki simply recalled when he froze the villain and said All Might would have died otherwise, as bitchy as he sounded, he had a point, without us to back him up, he's as good as dead. All Might simply thanked him, and told us again, to get out of there, suddenly a villain rushed towards us, Kirishima gave us a heads up, but before he got to us, All Might punched the other villain, their fists collided, they kept punching each other I could hear All Might yelling, something caught my attention, about going over 100%... that was way too dangerous... suddenly All Might punched him and the villain flew into the air, suddenly smoke came out of him, as he talked with the villains, the others insisted in going back, but me and Midoriya stayed behind, All Might was bluffing, he knew he'd transform back so he was trying to intimidate the villains into retreating, but they refused, they thought they still had a chance... more villains recovered... Midoriya rushed towards the villain the second he rushed towards All Might, but a portal was made and the villain put his hand through it, a second before it touched Midoriya's face something shot through his hand, and the pro heroes were here, they defeated the villains and All Might turned back to his form, Kirishima was approaching Midoriya when Cementoss built a wall to keep him from seeing All Might's actual form, I went up to Midoriya and asked if he was all right, he was clearly terrified I'd find out about All Might's actual self and all, "Don't worry, I know about All Might." his eyes widened and All Might and Cementoss walked towards us, "Thanks for that Cementoss." "No problem." "Shizuka..." I looked up at All Might "...You did great back there... but..." he sighed "...That was way too dangerous..." Midoriya remembered everything then "That's right! You saved Kacchan! W-wait! How do you both-" All Might just bluntly responded "She's my daughter." Midoriya's eyes widened even more, "WHAT?!"

After all everyone that was injured was being helped while the police took care of the rest, I overheard a conversation between Ojiro and Hagakure "Ojiro, I heard you were a really good fighter, I had no idea you were so strong!" "I didn't know I was the only one on my own, I survived using hit and run tactics, so where did you end up fighting Hagakure?" "The landslide zone! You wouldn't believe how strong Todoroki and Suzuki were! They were amazing!" I honestly didn't even know she was there... geez, now I feel bad... I could have accidentally hit her if she was standing anywhere near the villain I attacked... "Suzuki! Where did you end up." it was Uraraka, "Nowhere special, I ended up in the landslide zone! Though I only got to knock out one villain, Todoroki did most of the work... W-well what about you Uraraka?" "Oh I-" Suddenly the detective suggested we go back to the main campus, Tsu asked about Aizawa Sensei and the detective suggested he didn't have any brain damage or so, but his injuries were not to be taken lightly, he said Thirteen would be fine and All Might and Midoriya would also be fine after recovery girl helped them, I asked the detective if I could see them, but he just answered with "He'll need time for full recovery, perhaps tomorrow will be a better time." I nodded and we all were brought back to safety.

*TIMESKIP! Sports Festival*

Suzuki's P.O.V

It was FINALLY HERE! The sports festival! We waited so long! We kept training hard and finally! It was time to put our training to work! My quirk is kinda useless since I only have blood from my mom and my dad, who are... dead... my childhood friend who moved away to another country and I never saw again! My sister who's probably also dead! And Uraraka and Midoriya! The good thing was that I trained hard to be able to fight physically and not only use my quirk against opponents, my mother's quirk was called 'Mirror', she had to look her opponent in the eye for a whole 3 seconds and then she'd have their quirk, it only lasted 30 minutes but it was helpful, my father's quirk was called 'Nature', I know, stupid name, huh? It helped him control any form of nature, which pretty much includes any plants, animals, and humans, he couldn't control things made by humans though, like cars or buildings. My sister's quirk was beings able to turn into any plant or animal, or even mythical creatures but she needed a whole second to do so, kind of like a mix of my parent's quirks, my friends quirk was invisibility, she could be invisible for 20 seconds and it allowed her to sneak up on her opponents, if you were also quiet that is. My quirk is a little like my mother's, but a little like my grandmother's too. My grandmother's quirk, called 'Red Eyes', if she does as much as SEE your blood, she takes the exact form of you, the difference is that her eyes turn red instead of the eye color you'd have. We were in the waiting room and I was so nervous, suddenly I saw some guy with half red and half white hair go up to Midoriya and say he's better, pretty much declared war, I was pretty angry though he had a point, we were here to be heroes, not be friends, All Might went inside the door and requested to talk to me, so I went with him.

We just talked about the Festival, and my quirk and all, he then told me that after the Sports Festival he planned to tell Midoriya about something, I knew exactly what he was talking about, and I couldn't really be against it, I mean, he was going to be the next number one hero. The Festival started and we all found out it was
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