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1.To see if users express interest DeX, Samsung setup booths in BestBuy stores. Users were able to interact with DeX and decide if they like it. Samsung was interested in how many people would use DeX and experience it. What metric should Samsung use to decide if there is interest in DeX?
A1: With the ability to interact with Samsung products, this seems like a Test-Drive metric to me. Having the ability to try a product before purchasing indicates Test-Driving.

2. Next, Samsung decided to start a nationwide promotion of DeX. They prepared a series of TV and magazine ads, online promotions, etc. After 3 months, Samsung wanted to know how many people knew about DeX. What metric should Samsung use to find out if people knew about DeX?
A2: This seem like Brand Awareness. Since Samsung is seeking recognition of DeX from customers, this tests their abilities to remember a brand or not. Brand Awareness.

3. The initial results were satisfactory, and Samsung decided to first offer DeX to all customers who preregistered for it on their website. Samsung sent email offers and was interested in the proportion of people who took the offer. What metric should Samsung use to evaluate the success of the email offer?
A3: This is Take Rate since Take Rate is the percentage of people who accept a marketing offer of some sort. Take Rate.

4. Samsung was satisfied with the results so far, but wanted to know if DeX had a potential for growth. They sent a single-question survey to all current customers who purchased DeX. What was that question/metric?

5. After combining all preliminary results, Samsung concluded that DeX was very promising, and it was time to offer it for sale worldwide. They knew it would be an expensive effort including costs like distribution, promotion, mass production etc. What metric(s) should they use to demonstrate the financial feasibility of the marketing campaign?

6. DeX was a new way of interacting with a mobile device. Therefore, consumers’ preferences for DeX might be different from preferences for a regular smartphone. Samsung wanted to determine, which attribute of DeX was the most important to customers. What analytical technique should Samsung use to find the most important attribute of DeX?

27. What are the pros and cons of predictive analytics compared to other methods of estimating the upside of a marketing campaign?
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